Today North Korea sent a message to the US, in the form of seven ballistic missiles. Obviously, they didn't hit anything, but it is still going to increase tension between the UN and North Korea.
What I'm wondering though, is why in the world they would launch missiles that they know aren't going to get close to the US. Also, North Korea isn't exactly the largest country, and if the US was to go to war with them it would be over very quickly. North Korea wouldn't be able to match the size of the army, and our own nuclear weapons could wipe them off the map if we chose to use them.
How do you feel about the situation? Will the US once again be police of the world, or will we for once make the UN deal with this on their own? Is Kim Jong Il just stupid, or is there a reason he spends millions of dollars to develop missiles, then sends them shooting into the ocean?
Is Kim Jong Il just stupid, or is there a reason he spends millions of dollars to develop missiles, then sends them shooting into the ocean?
It said in the newspaper that there was something wrong with his head. Unless North Korea sends missiles that hit something, it isn't too big of a threat. I don't think anyone is interested in starting another World War.
thats like asking if the universe is big or not...
but i dont know if its stupid or crazy, i think hes mostly crazy. you can infer such because a 5' nothing dictator that loves his wine, and nuclear bombs that actually makes him the poster boy of mental institutions might be saying something
well guys you have to understand that the civillians(although there are not as many as in their military) are innocent, mislead people. They're not "MAGGOTS WHO WE SHOULD NUKE" they are misunderstood, lied to people. It's like telling your kid Santa exists. They then go around telling everyone how the got a present from Santa(the Korean government told their population everyone in the world hates them and is ready to strike)
That much doesn't matter too much. If we fire missiles on North Korea, the surrounding countries might see it as a form of attack and they might try to retaliate.
Both North and South Korea claimed sovereignty over the peninsula as a whole, which led to the Korean War of 1950. A 1953 armistice ended the fighting; however, the two countries are officially still at war with each other, as a peace treaty was never signed.[7] Both states were accepted into the United Nations in 1991.[8] On May 26, 2009, North Korea unilaterally withdrew from the armistice. That was the wikipedia article that clipmaster3 posted. part of it anyway. if you don't believe me, it's in the second paragraph.
And it would be a fatal decision if China went with NK, they'd be dead in 3 months cause the US would through up embargoes the second the war started if they sided with NK, we are their life support if you will they depend on us as a trading partner.So there you have it, no one in their right mind would side with NK for the good of their country. Jong has failed, he's just going out with a bang.
i never said it would be a good thing to side with NK.
hey'd be dead in 3 months
yeah sure, americans will really destroy every enemy in no time. with embargos and weapons. i think it was tried a couple of times recently and i am not sure how well it went.
You don't get it do you? Visit America and pick up and trinket or souvenir and look around, you'll notice something on almost all of them, "Made in China"
visit any other country and see what labels you will find.
sure china will suffer huge loses if america stops buying their stuff. but equally will america suffer loses. and china is simply selling to the rest of the world. making less money, but still making money
[quote]/If they continue to launch missiles we wipe them off the face of the Earth (quate from IPwnU2day)
That wouldn't go down well. Think about it millions of innocent deaths I think a country would go to war with America for that reason.
What I actual think was when U.S.S bombed Hiroshima and whats it called (I forget name). They should've payed a fine of 2.3bill to Japan. Because the A bombs were aimed at CIVILIANS NOT EVEN THE MILITARY. Like really what a cowardly dispicable thing to do.
They should've payed a fine of 2.3bill to Japan. Because the A bombs were aimed at CIVILIANS NOT EVEN THE MILITARY. Like really what a cowardly dispicable thing to do.
It got Japan to surrender. Might not have been the best thing to do, but it worked. If they were just aimed at the military it probably wouldn't have had enough of an impact to end the war.
Ok a few people told me not do double post back to back but I have a question Is my post where I wrote about U.S.A bombing Hiroshima and deserving a fine. Under Kirby998 and under donpiet if so like at the dates on them Kirbies is 7:01 and donpiets is 7:19?
If it's not like that sorry for the trouble and it's like that on my page.
I would have to say if anything there are rather smart. I mean think about it.
They know, that if we bomb them, we will totally destroy a city or two. But we are stupid. We would stay and rebuild it. Then rebuild other cities if they said we damaged them. They can get alot out of us, and if they were smart they would.