For many years the neighbors to the south have faced political turmoil and corruption, with drug wars spilling into the streets of major cities.
Poor, uneducated mexicans and their families cross the border from an unauthorized zone. They will climb mountains, cross rivers, and run from the authorities to make it into the US.
Of course, once they're in they have no money or job. So what do they do? They move into poor communities. They get menial jobs, ones that college students attempt to get. They force teenagers looking for work to quit as they accept lower wages.
Many times, illegals will rape, murder, steal and trade drugs in utter disregard for the rule of the law. They put their undisciplined children into our schools, where they will cause trouble as they have zero interest to learn.
Whose going to take care of them when a crime happens? When they go to jail? When they go to court? When they are hurt? Who pays for their attorneys, their medical bills or their protection when they will break the law at will?
We, the American citizens do. In many states, they get full benefits of citizenship without the extra responsibilities and without paperwork calling them a citizen.
I pay my taxes, I vote, I work hard to put food on the table and keep a roof over my head. Why should my job be stolen from someone who illegally entered this country? Why should my hard-earned money be given to someone who breaks the law?
The constitution says we must guarantee the rights of citizens, not illegals.
Illegal immigration isn't really a problem with them. Although, I will say I'd rather they be coming than Mexicans. Canadians are much friendlier
They also dont come and try to open taco stands everywhere. Its like wtf theres a taco stand right there why would you set up here!!??? They dont know good marketing...
They also dont come and try to open taco stands everywhere. Its like wtf theres a taco stand right there why would you set up here!!??? They dont know good marketing...
Honestly I have never seen a taco stand in my life.
They also dont come and try to open taco stands everywhere. Its like wtf theres a taco stand right there why would you set up here!!??? They dont know good marketing...
Lol, I've never seen a taco stand. Mostly around here they try to set up fruit stands in parking's...odd.
sports are you joking? are you homeschooled or retarded or something
Yes I am retarded.
But like in California they are the only people who will take any job they can get. And they actually try when they do it. And the reason some of them stink is because they don't have a freaking shower!!!!
But like in California they are the only people who will take any job they can get. And they actually try when they do it. And the reason some of them stink is because they don't have a freaking shower!!!!
Actually most of them take the lesser jobs because with the money they earn here, they can take it back to mexico because it will be worth more there. Im not saying all of them do this, but most or some are just teporarily here