ForumsWEPRWe, the people, demand a barrier erected along the US-Mexico border!

268 34941
160 posts

For many years the neighbors to the south have faced political turmoil and corruption, with drug wars spilling into the streets of major cities.

Poor, uneducated mexicans and their families cross the border from an unauthorized zone. They will climb mountains, cross rivers, and run from the authorities to make it into the US.

Of course, once they're in they have no money or job. So what do they do? They move into poor communities. They get menial jobs, ones that college students attempt to get. They force teenagers looking for work to quit as they accept lower wages.

Many times, illegals will rape, murder, steal and trade drugs in utter disregard for the rule of the law. They put their undisciplined children into our schools, where they will cause trouble as they have zero interest to learn.

Whose going to take care of them when a crime happens? When they go to jail? When they go to court? When they are hurt? Who pays for their attorneys, their medical bills or their protection when they will break the law at will?

We, the American citizens do. In many states, they get full benefits of citizenship without the extra responsibilities and without paperwork calling them a citizen.

I pay my taxes, I vote, I work hard to put food on the table and keep a roof over my head. Why should my job be stolen from someone who illegally entered this country? Why should my hard-earned money be given to someone who breaks the law?

The constitution says we must guarantee the rights of citizens, not illegals.

  • 268 Replies
155 posts

Swine flu isn't a reason to wall off Mexico. It was a strain of the flu that we had little natural immunities for. 36,000 people die each year because of the flu in America, yet when a baby dies in Texas because of a new strain it scares everyone.

160 posts

WTH? I'm Britsh So !? Relly the only thing I clicked on this for is because there should a wall in mexico I was goner say if it was bout swine flu well they can't get help

dear god, british english is...confusing
671 posts

Xavier, the employers don't think about the consequences of their actions because they're stupid. And they don't deserve it more, they're just given it because they can be payed less. That does not make a person more deserving of a job. Do you think that people who work in sweat shops in China are deserving just because they work for low wages? No.

The point was written clearly in english and it still managed to fly right over your head.*facepalm*
405 posts

Well.. this is cute.

First off: No, you can't afford a barrier between the US and mexico, I don't care if you pay taxes, it's just not going to happen on the budget we have in the next 10-20 years. MINIMALISTICALLY!

Second: Yeah I understand it's been in the country's founding to support and welcome immigration, but even in the 1800s we had a system of legal incorporation to our states and citizenship.

Third: I wouldn't disagree with making it easier to become a citizen. I think some of the laws are bull----, and the immigration standards are way to high for many of foreign countries. I'd love to see many of you forum-goers pass the exam. It's 100 questions of various history of the US with way too much miscellaneous things, it could be considered hate crime. I've taken it before out of curiousity and respect.

Fourth: Illegal immigration is a disrespectful mode of sapping money, but the troll ideas that this thread was started on were pretty terrible.. I think we have more problems with the idiotic undisciplined legal citizens than immigrants.

671 posts

I don't see how it's disrespectful. I mean, people do what they need to do for survival. If they can't support themselves and their kids in Mexico then why not jump the border. It's not like they have anything on their minds otehr than survival when they do it.

5,579 posts

I mean, people do what they need to do for survival. If they can't support themselves and their kids in Mexico then why not jump the border. It's not like they have anything on their minds otehr than survival when they do it.

Survival? Let's see. . . That means drugs. Quickest, easiest way to make money. Ruins lotsa peoples lives. What else do they do? Slave labor? Yes. I would prefer we have legal idiots do that, as opposed to the 'immigrants.' All illegals do is screw up our economies and send people to prison.
671 posts

You totally missed my point. What they do to the country is completely irrelevant. They don't come to the USA with the intention of disrespecting the country. How detramental they are to the country has nothing to do with anything I said.

3,224 posts

Survival? Let's see. . . That means drugs. Quickest, easiest way to make money. Ruins lotsa peoples lives. What else do they do? Slave labor? Yes. I would prefer we have legal idiots do that, as opposed to the 'immigrants.' All illegals do is screw up our economies and send people to prison.

1) Yes because before Mexicans came to America, there was no drug trade? I really don't get the whole drug dealer argument. As long as drugs remain illegal there will be drug dealers, who cares if they are Mexican/black/white?

2) In any case I'd really like to see some statistics showing that a significant proportion of illegal Mexican immigrants actually do go into the drugs trade. Of course I am not naive enough to assume that none do, but I was rather under the impression that most engaged in back breaking manual labour which native (no not red indians) Americans don't even want to do.

3) As an aside, America needs immigrants. It's one of the few reasons it has been able to sustain economic growth for so long. Native Americans (again, not red indian), have low birth rates, and immigrants fill those gaps in the labour market.

4) America is the melting pot of the world. You hate immigrants so much, go deport your first generation grandfather. I mean come on guys, think about it.
160 posts

Yes because before Mexicans came to America, there was no drug trade? I really don't get the whole drug dealer argument. As long as drugs remain illegal there will be drug dealers, who cares if they are Mexican/black/white?

because they are brought in by mexican coyotes, paid money by illegals, and kill and murder through the border

America is the melting pot of the world. You hate immigrants so much, go deport your first generation grandfather. I mean come on guys, think about it.

read the god dam thread
we're talking about f-ing illegal immigrants from MEXICO

As an aside, America needs immigrants. It's one of the few reasons it has been able to sustain economic growth for so long. Native Americans (again, not red indian), have low birth rates, and immigrants fill those gaps in the labour market.

oh good, lets just overpopulate everything. also, make German the national language

2) In any case I'd really like to see some statistics showing that a significant proportion of illegal Mexican immigrants actually do go into the drugs trade. Of course I am not naive enough to assume that none do, but I was rather under the impression that most engaged in back breaking manual labour which native (no not red indians) Americans don't even want to do.

have you ever heard of college students? they're desperate for anything that makes money, so are unemployed people
160 posts

You totally missed my point. What they do to the country is completely irrelevant. They don't come to the USA with the intention of disrespecting the country. How detramental they are to the country has nothing to do with anything I said.

And the commies didnt have an intent to establish dictatorships. but look what happened (canada)
4,097 posts

1) Yes because before Mexicans came to America, there was no drug trade? I really don't get the whole drug dealer argument. As long as drugs remain illegal there will be drug dealers, who cares if they are Mexican/black/white?

I think that they say drug trade has increased and become much more violent.

but I was rather under the impression that most engaged in back breaking manual labour which native (no not red indians) Americans don't even want to do.

We don't want to do it, but sometimes we have to. Citizens shouldn't be denied a job that they need so that illegals can make money. If they want the job they need to get it legally.

I'll take this one. I like trolls, they're funny. For normal people, don't take this seriously.

because they are brought in by mexican coyotes, paid money by illegals, and kill and murder through the border

And don't forget about the commie wolves, dangerous. They're with the American government.

we're talking about f-ing illegal immigrants from MEXICO


also, make German the national language

Aussinizi is a genius. I mean we already have a commie dictator as President, and Germany is the commie dictator language.

they're desperate for anything that makes money

Most the college students I know are ugly commie prostitutes from England.

but look what happened (canada)

What about America??!?!?! Obama??!?!

3,224 posts

I think that they say drug trade has increased and become much more violent.

That's a pretty baseless claim, especially when you consdier that some of the most dangerous cities in the US with the most serious drug related problems have a tiny amount of Mexican immigrants.

We don't want to do it, but sometimes we have to. Citizens shouldn't be denied a job that they need so that illegals can make money. If they want the job they need to get it legally.

I wouldn't say they are depriving people of jobs, when you consider how many lazy ass white trash are just living off welfare, and then complaining when Mexicans take jobs they never would have even saught for in the first place.

read the god dam thread
we're talking about f-ing illegal immigrants from MEXICO

I wonder how many white illegal immigrants there are coming to the US that no one gives a crap about?

oh good, lets just overpopulate everything. also, make German the national language

The death rate is way higher than the birthrate for white Americans, and so immigrants are filling the gap, not overfilling.

have you ever heard of college students? they're desperate for anything that makes money, so are unemployed people

Millions of people in the US don't even attempt to get a job. You can't tell me that they are desperate to get a job. I would agree with you, but time and time again, stats show that the jobs illegal immigrants 'take' are the jobs that whites weren't even doing in the first place.
4,097 posts

I wouldn't say they are depriving people of jobs, when you consider how many lazy *** white trash are just living off welfare, and then complaining when Mexicans take jobs they never would have even saught for in the first place.

I agree, the illegal immagrents might as well have the jobs instead of them. However, there are some people who are just not able to get a good job for whatever reason. I'd agree that most people would be able to find a job within a month or so, and if they're out of a job after that they need to try harder, but there are still those few who really are trying.
3,562 posts

then again, without illegal immigrants, who does all the dirty work? America is a country supported on the structures of illegal citizens, most hotel cleaners, the public restroom janitors are illegals from mexico, and many other countries. Without them who would do that? even though they are the bottom of the pyramid, they still support the top, which is why past presidents have offered to grant them amnesty and American citizenship because they are detrimental to the American community.

1,532 posts

wonder how many white illegal immigrants there are coming to the US that no one gives a crap about?

Illegal Eh'liens?

Although im against illegal mexicans coming in,what really fires me up is their trashy, lowlife behaviors. I can hardly even walk down a street in my town without some wanna bes getting in my face wanting to fight because i "Gave them a dirty look"? What the hell man? This isnt just the behavior of one or two, this is most. Im not saying most, but the teenage mexicans who act like this bullshit. I cant even count how many times ive fought with mexicans.

For the record, their horrible fighters.

What im saying is, when they come into this country they act like its mexico, and they try to turn it into that. When other races come into the U.S. They need to learnt he language, and accept our ways. Im not saying they should get rid of their holidays, and culture. Just adjust.

"Please press 1 for english". WTF!
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