For many years the neighbors to the south have faced political turmoil and corruption, with drug wars spilling into the streets of major cities.
Poor, uneducated mexicans and their families cross the border from an unauthorized zone. They will climb mountains, cross rivers, and run from the authorities to make it into the US.
Of course, once they're in they have no money or job. So what do they do? They move into poor communities. They get menial jobs, ones that college students attempt to get. They force teenagers looking for work to quit as they accept lower wages.
Many times, illegals will rape, murder, steal and trade drugs in utter disregard for the rule of the law. They put their undisciplined children into our schools, where they will cause trouble as they have zero interest to learn.
Whose going to take care of them when a crime happens? When they go to jail? When they go to court? When they are hurt? Who pays for their attorneys, their medical bills or their protection when they will break the law at will?
We, the American citizens do. In many states, they get full benefits of citizenship without the extra responsibilities and without paperwork calling them a citizen.
I pay my taxes, I vote, I work hard to put food on the table and keep a roof over my head. Why should my job be stolen from someone who illegally entered this country? Why should my hard-earned money be given to someone who breaks the law?
The constitution says we must guarantee the rights of citizens, not illegals.
What will walls do? They would just climb over. We need patrolmen. Oh yheah, and instead of taking them back to Mexico if we do catch them, we should put them in jail, then send them back to Mexico.
Yeah, those walls would be way too pricey to do the entire border - the specification for the ones they have now too are way too easy to get through, so they'd need to invest in something better, making it far more expensive.
The problem with that though, is that the U.S.A. government would be acknowledging that illegal immigrants are working there.. and by not incarcerating & deporting them, they're just being integrated.. so, wouldn't it just be easier to hand out citizenship then going through all that trouble? With the warning, they may have to pay them the same as citizens, but they already have a workforce in the illegals, which means that they have no incentive at that point to hire citizens either - they may as well keep the illegals on the payroll.
I was thinking more along the lines of people that could speak english better would be better candidates. I mean, we both know they take the labourous jobs so odds are most of the work is for richer clients. I'm sure some soccor mum who wants her front and back yards built for her is gonna hire english speaking Americans over illegals if the rates are the same anyway.
I was thinking more along the lines of people that could speak english better would be better candidates. I mean, we both know they take the labourous jobs so odds are most of the work is for richer clients. I'm sure some soccor mum who wants her front and back yards built for her is gonna hire english speaking Americans over illegals if the rates are the same anyway.
That's true, but there's a trend of illegals that get... for lack of a better word - managed by a citizen like a pimp manages whores =P They do all of the buisness arrangement & the illegals do the physical work.
I think the immigration department should just be letting more into the country as actual citizens. Clearly they're present as a work force; and especially so in areas or jobs that there are/were gaps in the market for. Obviously the economy isn't so hot at the moment, so that's certainly changed from a number of years ago, but those were jobs that citizens were either not interested in taking, or there aren't enough citizens to take all of those jobs. It's a difficult subject with no easy solutions. =\\
I'm saying that an illegal should be able to report their boss if they are being underpaid without fear of being deported.
Why? They come to this country and then use taxpayer money to let their retarded children attend public school, they entered illegally with the help of criminals, and they commit many crimes.
Why? They come to this country and then use taxpayer money to let their retarded children attend public school, they entered illegally with the help of criminals, and they commit many crimes.
Wow, okay. Um it's almost like you closed your eyes and then just pointed and that is what you landed on so you answered without reading anything else.
Because they don't speak english as well as someone who speaks it as a first language, odds are they are not as educated and so therefore if they cost the boss the same they might as well hire citizens. *facepalm*
I think the immigration department should just be letting more into the country as actual citizens. Clearly they're present as a work force; and especially so in areas or jobs that there are/were gaps in the market for. Obviously the economy isn't so hot at the moment, so that's certainly changed from a number of years ago, but those were jobs that citizens were either not interested in taking, or there aren't enough citizens to take all of those jobs. It's a difficult subject with no easy solutions. =\\\\
I suppose a collaboration of both our ideas could work. Like giving citizenship out to more immigrants but also enforcing fair pay to the ones that don't. But I suppose if it was easy enough to find the solution on a forum it wouldn't be a problem to begin with.
I think the immigration department should just be letting more into the country as actual citizens. Clearly they're present as a work force; and especially so in areas or jobs that there are/were gaps in the market for. Obviously the economy isn't so hot at the moment, so that's certainly changed from a number of years ago, but those were jobs that citizens were either not interested in taking, or there aren't enough citizens to take all of those jobs. It's a difficult subject with no easy solutions.
hmm...well if all the illegal immigrants we have now were to become citizens, or at least legal immigrants, then I would imagine that they would have to pay taxes just like everyone else as long as they have incomes, and that could help with the national debt, though deporting them 15 times because they keep coming back, because they are not getting punished outside of losing everything they have in America which for many of them is nothing. So I do see a profit in that.
hmm...well if all the illegal immigrants we have now were to become citizens, or at least legal immigrants, then I would imagine that they would have to pay taxes just like everyone else as long as they have incomes, and that could help with the national debt, though deporting them 15 times because they keep coming back, because they are not getting punished outside of losing everything they have in America which for many of them is nothing. So I do see a profit in that.
Thats the thing. Most dont want to become citizens. They just want to make money, and leave
Wow, okay. Um it's almost like you closed your eyes and then just pointed and that is what you landed on so you answered without reading anything else.
You totally avoided my argument try not to stray too far from the topic
but also enforcing fair pay to the ones that don't.
You totally avoided my argument try not to stray too far from the topic
Tried to get him to answer it by rephrasing yours, but no.
does a law lose meaning once they have jobs?
No, but we simply don't have the manpower to round up every single illegal and deport them. They'd just come back in. Besides, our economy is heavily reliant on them.
Thats the thing. Most don't want to become citizens. They just want to make money, and leave
If that were true then I don't think so many of them would put up a fight to not leave. If they become legal then they would be able to get more money, and not worry about getting deported. So I think its in many of their best interest that they do become legal citizens.
Actually our economy is heavily hindered by them. They collect welfare from with government while they are working a job that a well deserving American can have. The fact that they do not pay taxes and they take up property that they also do not pay taxes on is not helping the economy. They also collect welfare which takes away from the country, and they just send the money back to Mexico to their 'oor, poor families'. The economy is better off having a real American citizen work the job so that it can collect taxes on the income.
Actually our economy is heavily hindered by them. They collect welfare from with government while they are working a job that a well deserving American can have. The fact that they do not pay taxes and they take up property that they also do not pay taxes on is not helping the economy. They also collect welfare which takes away from the country, and they just send the money back to Mexico to their 'oor, poor families'. The economy is better off having a real American citizen work the job so that it can collect taxes on the income.
Why is a citizen well deserving of a job by default? What about the "well deserving" americans who hire them? They know what they are helping contribute to the problem with the economy but they still do it. Th eonkly difference is that illegals are desperate and have nothing, they're doing what they see is best to survive.