I my self am a proud veg and im a guy i dont see any thing wrong with that, however my peers constantly put me down for it. I question others about it and some say that animals are kiled to keep the population under control, then shouldnt we do that to humans? are there any other vegetarians on armor? if you are a caravor responding to this please try not to be insultive i get enough from my freinds and family
I didn't say their cause is just. But they think their cause is just as valid as yours is. Therefore, you are in the same group as them. Don't you see? PETA is just as bad as religious extremists. You have the exact same mentality.
No offense, but that song that you posted Skipper sucks @ss. Come up with some actually intelligent words to describe what you are fighting for, instead of using some low-grade swears.
Anyways, I will not get into this discussion, because like Mega said, it is just like talking to a extremist. I only hope that Skipper does not have that mentality: that by not ordering meat from a restaurant, you are somehow 'saving' that already dead animal. Not that every vegetarian believes that, but some of them do.
This is killer wrong. Al-Qaeda aren't Muslims, since they dont' follow anything about it besides the fact that they hate anyone else. Unjustified. Also, historically, The Jewish, Christian, and Islamic "Gods" are mainly all the same Gods. Just different Historic Details, how to practice and live. Which has caused these Extremists to come. You don't see Bhuddist Extremists because theres nothing close enough or deep down rooted enough to disprove or fight against their religiously Bhuddhist areas. As such, Muslims in America, Us invading. It seems like a grasp to kill the other religion.
With that kind of Mindset, I don't think his is like that.
Also, its not "Saving" the murdered meat, Its being good enough not to eat it.
Yet, I ask you, if Animals were created for love, compassion, and to hug cows we wouldn't be killed by them. They are here for us to eat, they are here for us to respect as well.
That is true, Strategy_guy, and (in Christian beliefs) we would not eat animals if Adam and Eve had not sinned; in fact, every creature would not eat any other creature. But, they sinned, so there had to be compensation, and now we eat meat to survive (most meats have many vitamins and minerals which help keep people in shape). Not that you can't be in shape without meat, but it helps.
Also to Dirk animals weren't always that easy to kill. There was a time that we were more likly to be killed by an animal then us kill them. Again we are also easy to kill does that mean someone should eat us?
As long as you don't ovverkill, kill properly, all that nice sorta junk.
I don't believe that being Vegetarian helps, if the world went Veggie, Ireland would become rich, disease could spread, and we wouldn't be able to feed people enough.
That is another thing I find fascinating. We, as humans, think of ourselves as such advanced creatures, but in reality, if we were out in the wild butt-naked with only our fists, we would probably be killed by most animals, even some larger dogs.
Armed, he's willing to kill anyone that is opposed to his cause. Is that not the same mindset as Al-Queda? Kill anyone who doesn't agree with us? PETA is willing to do ANYTHING to get their laws passed, including mass genocide and bombings. Well, technically the ALF, but the two have been sleeping with each other so long they might as well be the same.
It's the fact that we have higher intelligence that makes us capable of surviving. With our intelligence comes the ability to adapt to our environment. If we find ourselves butt naked, we are able to create weaponry to fight against the animals. This is why humanity became the dominant species - our sheer adaptiveness.