I my self am a proud veg and im a guy i dont see any thing wrong with that, however my peers constantly put me down for it. I question others about it and some say that animals are kiled to keep the population under control, then shouldnt we do that to humans? are there any other vegetarians on armor? if you are a caravor responding to this please try not to be insultive i get enough from my freinds and family
Yeah, thanks for that, man >_> Really wanted to see that. Serioussly, I really don't have a problem with animal blood, though others might. THINK before you post something like that. So, what you're basically trying to say is "I can't persuade you to become a vegetarian so I quit." I mean, I see your point of view, doesn't mean I have to think it's right or yield to it.
The phenomenon of polarity, people! Person A and person B don't agree on something, eventually getting entrenched in an escalating argument that turns into a war based on the conviction that everything the other believes in is wrong.
It's a war nobody wins because there was no need for one in the first place. But hey, we can't help it, we're human, we have these instincts...
Anyway, I'll continue posting here if there's anything fresh or perspectives I haven't encountered before.
Some people are just so ignorant. I mean, yes, animals are abused, no doubt there. But [every place that orders meat gets a determined amount every time, so if you do not order one of those meat-meals, someone else will, until all of those meat-meals are used up. Then they order another predetermined amount], so if you do not order meat you are not saving any animals, get it through you thick skulls.
You see what I have in brackets? Try and get around that, all you people who think you are 'saving' the already dead animal.
It may not appear rational, but since when were reasons truly rational?
Okay, I'll stop talking in riddles. One does not have to restrict themselves to a vegetarian diet on ethical grounds because they want to reduce the number of animals that die globally. They may have more specific motivations, such as not being personally responsible for the life of that animal. Or even they are aware that their own actions are inadequate but they have their convictions, or their own personal motto, and this is where they draw some kind of peace/strength/comfort from.
In the same way, I could describe being religious as rationally accepting irrationality, and say that there was nothing wrong with this at the same time. It'd sure beat trying to prove the existence of God, I know that much.
Besides, just because it is little use to not eat an animal since it's going to be eaten by somebody else, does that mean you should eat the meat anyway?
In no way am I saying being a vegetarian is a bad thing, but I am just trying to make that point clear to some folks who think they are 'saving' animal lives by not getting a Big Mac.
Very few vegetarians acctually think that. The animal is dead, nothing we can do about that. What we feel is that we won't eat the Big and the food company will not get our support and money.
Yeah, but you're doing about as much to them as I'm doing to Starbucks by refusing to drink their overpriced beverages. In my opinion, meat is delicious. I see no reason to deprive myself of something I enjoy that's really not that harmful to my body.
Heres my argument from my other post that got locked..
all you saying there is no point being veggie are wrong, there IS a point, on average vegitarians and vegans live on average 6-10yrs longer and have a much less chance of getting some cancers. and i also am againtss animal crultey, let me explain one thing, The PIGS, when sent to slaughter there necks are slit to "kill" them, although Meny are still ALIVE when there droped into scalding water and boiled alive!, and what about the chickens who have the same treatment, alive whilst boiling to loosen there feathers, and the short lives they had before that, and the Ducks out of water, Aquatic animals that never see water in there short lives, just to drink. Now off the subject of the farming industry, what about the Fur trade?, Seals being beaten alive for there fur, dogs skinned alive, and much more. What about Animal Testing, rats Injected with human diseases, cats heads cut open and equiptment straped to there brains, rabbits having toxics dropped into there eyes, Monkeys, chimps and apes straped up and forced to breathe in gases to see if there alright for humans, acids, shampoos, arasols, sprays, ect sprayed onto animal skins, droped into there eyes, injected into there blood, and they feel pain, there want to live, just like us! SO yes there is much point being vegitarian or vegan and fighting to stop animal creulty
So now I need to re-prove that PETA is domestic terrorists?
I haven't used this one yet, but here it is:
During an event funded by several animal rights groups, including PETA, PETA's vegan campaigns director Bruce Friedrich said: "If we really believe that animals have the same right to be free from pain and suffering at our hands, then of course we're going to be blowing things up and smashing windows. ... I think it's a great way to bring about animal liberation, considering the level of suffering, the atrocities. I think it would be great if all of the fast-food outlets, slaughterhouses, these laboratories, and the banks that fund them, exploded tomorrow." Page 2 That's a blatant disregard for the laws of our country and the safety of society. That, my friends, is a perfect example of terrorism - right here on our front porch. Forget Al-Qaeda - we need to worry about PETA's pet groups first. Seriously... first we have people whining about human rights, now people willing to kill for ANIMAL rights? Give me a break. I refuse to stop eating meat, and nothing you or anyone else tells me will change my mind. Short of murder, you won't stop me.
Maybe thats what the world needs!. some massive event, then they would listen, they do not listen now, but if something like that was to happen, and yes they break the laws of the countrys but for a reason, a justified reason, whereas Al-Qaeda, has no reason, at least no justified reason, so thats a bad comparison, So what if a few people get hurt, some Buildings get destroyed, and at worst someone dies, what so different from them suffering to MILLIONS of animals each yeah suffering and dying..
If all vegatarians do that sort of thing all your doing is becoming terrioists like Al-Queda because to other people you will ahev no justified reason just like Al-Queda.
Animals can eat animals, why can't humans eat animals? I hate it when people kill animals to get a good trophy. Most animal sloughter is for food and people use nearly all of the animal so very few of the animal is wasted.