I my self am a proud veg and im a guy i dont see any thing wrong with that, however my peers constantly put me down for it. I question others about it and some say that animals are kiled to keep the population under control, then shouldnt we do that to humans? are there any other vegetarians on armor? if you are a caravor responding to this please try not to be insultive i get enough from my freinds and family
well its not the fact that they kill animals because we need meat,its the manor of how they do it,atleast there are people supporting this,actually theres a music video by rise against,good thing I guess.
Animal slaughtering is terrible. the death of animals is saddening but it must happen. its a needed process for our population, through the food chain. Say if we were to eat bear, they would have to eat fish, who live of vegetation. so if there was very little vegetation there would be less fish as the death rate would increase, that would effect the population of the bears making them decrease, then of course us who rely on the bear. This is obviously just one example. i don't eat bear. Although slaughtering an animal is saddening, it has to be done. although an animal dying naturally or more humane is more appropriate.
Because wild animals wait for their prey to die naturally?
No. We didn't claw our way to the top of the food chain to eat vegetables. I'll agree some of the processes they use are wrong, but I won't agree that killing animals is wrong because it's not. Sure, we can live on other things. Wild predators survive on nothing but meat, but they CAN live on other substances. Would you do that to them? No, because that would disrupt the natural balance. Ever since man has existed, we have been hunters. We have killed to get our food. Why should we stop killing now? Because suddenly we've realized that we can eat other things? No, we shouldn't stop now. We're an advanced society - that means the things we are able to eat should increase - not be replaced by "alternative" proteins.
Killing animals is not the same as killing humans. Humans evolved to be the superior race for a reason, obviously. If cows had higher thinking abilities then they would not be slaughtered becuase they would be able to contribute to society with their minds. As it is, the only use for cows is as a food source, whether milk or beef. I do not condone inhumane and uneccesary killing of animals, but humans always have eaten meat and they always will.
Ah, for once, a an uneasy topic. With Unsure Emote. =/
I for one, I am an Omnivore. But, I aggree that going vegetarian, can be both better for health and for the environment. Meat, contains alot of fat, and although people say 'You need meat in your diet!', it's only really the iron and protein, which is easily available in many vegetables. Animals do contribute alot to global warming, cows being the worst source of methane in the world. That, and pasture farming is extremely inefficient compared to crop farming.
However, meat is a delicious thing, one which, although highly taxed, is almost always obtained inhumanely. This, I cannot abide. Even though humans have different thought patterns, and whatnot, making us 'Superior', just murdering things is downright wrong. Say there was another race, more 'Superior' than our own, used us as a food source, how would you feel? You wouldn't as not many of them would care, they were the 'Superior' race.
Now that's over, there are other things for me to say.
-There is a thing called 'Quorn', something used to make a vegetarion burger, hotdog etc. They are tastier than most people believe, making it easier to go 'Veggie' -With growing food, there are less greenhouse gasses, as they absorb CO2 from the atmosphere.
Animals lack the thought process to actually be capable of thinking, though. I think of murder as the act of killing a sentient being. Hence why we don't eat the semi-sentient monkeys (at least in this part of the world).
Well personally I don't really think animals are being killed to keep their population under control because that's just abuse to animals and it doesn't really do anything, it just makes you into someone who is trying to be helpful by thinking that it's a good thing to do, when it's really not.
Although I do eat meat I do not like the cruelty of animals. Although some animals are not as smart as humans that does not mean that they should just be killed and tortured just because. In fact the members of Rise Against made a song about the mistreatment of animals and nature. (yes they are all vegans)
If you want to see the video---> [url=http://youtube.com/watch?v=pmoB2svMld8]