Wierd Al yankovic is making supposedly his last album and is releasing new songs on Youtube, but do you think this will be his last and be as good as his earlier work?
Haha Weird Al is pretty awesome xD I've never heard about it being his last album. The singles were pretty good, but not the best. Hopefully the album will have some more popular songs. Some of my favorite songs of his are Hardware Store, White & Nerdy, and Virus Alert.
I used to love Weird Al. Not as big of a fan now, but im frantically searching for a song he sang about all the horrible things his wife or girlfriend did to him. I can't figure out what song he was parodying either so its quite difficult
Wierd Al yankovic -Is he from Serbia? because his family name is Jankovic which is Yankovic in English. --------------------------------------- Al's grandparents are from Yugoslavia on his dad's side,so that's where the name Yankovic comes from.
I don't know when his grandparents were born but I know his dad Nick was born in Kansas City in 1917...so unless his grandparents were real young lovers,it was probably before the 20th century.
No,Green12324,I think it was "You Don't Love Me Anymore". On my last comment,I linked the music videos to the songs,just in case you want to look more into Weird Al.