This was a thought that occurred to me in the debate about God thread. I just didn't want to bring up there because it's kinda off track. So... What do you believe in? Why do you believe in that?
I don't a religious believer saying something stupid that we've all heard before like, "I believe in God because there's a book about him."(you would be amazed how many times i've heard this) I don't want a non-religious believer saying something stupid like "I believe in nothing."(once again, I've heard this before waaaaaay too many times)
I want to hear good, well thought out statements. avoid flaming.
I have posted this like 10 times already. Do we really need another topic about this? Ok I'll post it one last time because this isn't a discussion about what religion is right or wrong.
I believe that Man had a question, and a God was the answer.
Man wondered about what created everything. He couldn't come up with an answer, so man created God. Now Man has an answer to his question that he couldn't answer, and there is no way to disprove him.
Man wondered about what happened after death. He was scared of death, so Man made Heaven to calm his fears. Now Man is willing to fight and die with no fear of death.
Man needed a way to punish those who were stronger than him. So Man created Hell. Like God and Heaven, Hell was a punishment for those who did not do what Man said was right.
I believe in Christianity because there are factual actual events.
1. Jesus Christ and his miracles such as ressurrecting the dead, when he ressurrected himself from his grave (that was inside of a cave sealed with rocks and when people went to the cave there was absolutely no diffrences in how it looked before or after they laid Jesus to rest in it) He talked to the living that saw him getting crucified., THE BIBLE (Im saying the bible because it was supposebly made by god). Miraculously curing the wounded.
2.This isn't factual but I'll still say it:He created Earth.(Lets say this is wrong and the "big bang" created it how did such a complex food system (or food chain) come to existence).
Man wondered about what created everything. He couldn't come up with an answer, so man created God. Now Man has an answer to his question that he couldn't answer, and there is no way to disprove him. Man wondered about what happened after death. He was scared of death, so Man made Heaven to calm his fears. Now Man is willing to fight and die with no fear of death. Man needed a way to punish those who were stronger than him. So Man created Hell. Like God and Heaven, Hell was a punishment for those who did not do what Man said was right.
Wow, ok. so you think that religion is a system used to make man better?
There's a possibility for the existence of a god - we rally can't determine whether a god exists or not, or even the chances
alright. so what do you think will happen when you die?
This isn't factual but I'll still say it:He created Earth
i'm fine with you saying you believe that, but let's not use that for why you believe in god.
Flaming is generally hard to believe on a religious thread.
I am a Christian, as of more recently. I do believe there is a god, but more like he is the esscence within everything than that he is a giant invisible man.
Science eplains a lot, but there are those things that nobody can explain. I've had science teachers who answer, "Well, I think our God had a little something to do with that," when it came to the improbable. Of course, that was a good while ago.
Yes you believe in science, but when its all said and done, where did everything come from? Oh the big bang happened and all the matter exploded n watnot, well wat made the matter? I fully support the Big Bang and every theory of evolution and reletivity, just I bleieve in GOd that he made everything. Well, maybe not, mybe we are all little people in an ant farm being watched by mutant 2nd grade alien school children jsust before their lunch break O.o No but I believe in God that he was here from the beginning.
ok, that's more of an answer to when. mine is 'what?' what do you view death as? the passing from one life to another? The moving on to a better or worse place? or simply the end?
I believe in science...
ok, expand. Why? what values does science hold to you that make you choose it over everything else?