Anywho, in America the defendant appeals by default if they are sentenced to death and most people don't accept it and spend their entire time on death row in and out of the court room. Which actually ends up costing more than the cost of food every day for a prisoner rotting in jail.
So no matter what you're still in jail, getting fed and housed. Does it really matter where your cell is. The point is that the sooner they die, the more money that gets saved.
That's not right. The point is judges and lawyers are being paid to work their case. That all gets put into expenses of the cost of that specific person. From memory they used 70 years as the average time spent in prison by people who were left there to rot. So the cost of food for 70 years is less than the cost of food, judges wages and lawyers for 10 years.
And it's the knowledge that they are going to be killed. It's not where your cell is. It's whether or not you live to die when you're ready or when the state says you have to. You think everything is so black and white. You need to loosen up a bit dude.
The point is that the sooner they die, the more money that gets saved.
yeah lets put a price on everyones head, and get rid of the people we think are not worth living.
who gives you the right to choose who is worthy of living or not. evry humans life should be treated with respect and dying should be an act of nature or god whatever you believe. it is not for humans to decide. and by the way the human life is to valuble to be counted in tax money, and i think that economic arguments are not making something morally wrong right
If they want someone to kill them, I'll do it for them. They are worthless. I have a harder time killing ants then I would killing them. Besides, it's done by machines nowadays.
someone has to prepare the machine and push the button. someone has to judge them and condemn them to death.
if this is an so easy decision for you i would be glad if you would take the job and spare the people who are doing it now this task. then at least they do not have to suffer.
and remember. you become a murder by killing someone, and you just explained how much murders are worth to you
yeah lets put a price on everyones head, and get rid of the people we think are not worth living. who gives you the right to choose who is worthy of living or not. evry humans life should be treated with respect and dying should be an act of nature or god whatever you believe. it is not for humans to decide. and by the way the human life is to valuble to be counted in tax money, and i think that economic arguments are not making something morally wrong right
I'm not putting prices on everyones heads, just psycho murderers. And who gave me the right, nobody. But the court has the right and they use it.
and where is the one taking the murders life better than him
If I killed your entire family you would be really mad wouldn't you. If you ever got the chance you would kill me given the opportunity. People who kill people deserve to die, not get housed and fed for free. They get free weight rooms and basketball courts. There are people who have it worse.
If I killed your entire family you would be really mad wouldn't you. If you ever got the chance you would kill me given the opportunity.
that is an assumption you have just made. my family has not been killed and therefore i am not able to possibly imagine how i would feel. i simply know that killing someone else is not bringing any relief.
People who kill people deserve to die,
they are being killed by other people. why is it better know. only because someone said it is ok. killing people is always bad. the killer is bad and it is a bad choice to kill them.
I'm not putting prices on everyones heads, just psycho murderers
everyone can become a psycho murder. and not only psycho murders are sentenced to death. and there is also a fair chance of killing an innocent person every now and then. do you want to be responsible for that? i dont
killing an innocent person every now and then. do you want to be responsible for that? i dont
It doesn't happen often. About 7 times or so.
they are being killed by other people. why is it better know.
And what if they kill again. There are countless numbers of times where people have killed other inmates. And let us NEVER forget that they can escape, as has happened before. They escape from prison and kill again. Just look back a little and think about it. Do you want to be responsible for the lives of innocent people, or convicted ones? Who is more deserving?
crime is happening and will happen. its bad but thats how life is. the point is that we cannot allow our system to step down and use the same methods as the criminal we are judging. if we do so we lose our moral advantage and should have no right to judge him. i cannot agree on a system, where it is common to kill other people. even if they have done bad things, i just do not want to be responsible for taking another persons life. there are other methods of preventing killers from killing. locking them down in a single cell e.g.
and about the convicted ones: the one sentenced to death was also a son, brother, father, uncle and friend to someone.
In your first post, from the link, it offends me that they rank executions by race, aren't southerners trying to erase segregation? Or is Texas really as horrible as I think?
*Crickets Chirping* I mean, no, definitely not, its a nice pla- I can't do, I just can't.
The Death penalty is warranted in some cases, for extreme crimes, but often times the death penalty isn't as much of a punishment as life in prison. Sure, they're risks and costs with prison, but the number of people who are wrongly sentenced it the court system does warrant some more scrutiny of death row cases, and should require more proof than an average case in order to help eliminate the possible number of wrongful deaths. Although some people think its uncivilized, and perhaps it is, it can often be the most effective way of dealing with people who are an extreme burden to society, and have done extreme harm to it before.