Now, I haven't read much on the Death Penalty, the most I did was study it for a bout an hour and ask people there opinions on it, but here's what I got to say about it.
As any liberal would say, the Death Penalty is completely unacceptable. It may have been accepted in the Dark Ages, but that's when people were fearful, and had no one to blame for there problems. But are we still so fearful to make murderers out of ourselves for no apparent reason? When one kills another, there is no exception, it is murder. Murder is about the only thing that we still have around from medieval ages. It's inhumane, imagine the psychological torture people on Death Row feel, imagine knowing your only here to die. And when your on death row, no one listens to you, no one cares. Were spending hundreds of thousands of dollars, just watch a man die, how is that humane? This is torture, it's like water boarding, but for years on end. How can the man that injects the fatal drug, live with himself? Knowing that this man died, he may be innocent, he may be guilty, but the physiological pain we put them through is enough. In 2004 3,374 people were put through this, these people had family, friends. The average time of death row in 2000 was 11 years and 4 months, 85 people were killed in that same year, we had a person who was only 18 on death row, 18, and you call that humane? Why would you throw a young mans life away when he was only 18, he has years of life left, years of opportunity. In 2008 35 people were executed, yes people, people that had lives, opportunity, now there gone. Gone because were fearful, gone cause we can't grow up. in 2007, over 3000 people are on death row, this happens every single year, most of those 3,000 will die, that means that we have 3000 more murderers in this country, 3000 people, out of fear, inject the fatal drug. Whats really sad is that 1 of 9 inmates were younger than 19 at the time of there arrest, and when they were out on death row,1 in 9, isn't that amazing, do you know how much potential is thrown away? Is that really how you want men that young to end there lives, it's sad. Really really sad. When people say that they support the Death Penalty, they're saying they support meaningless murder. People are insane, more so the innocent than the guilty. We have to stop living in fear. Fear has consumed this country, for years. I metaphor the Republican Party to Fear.
That's all I have to say for now. I know people don't read long post anymore, but maybe some of you will.