As any liberal would say, the Death Penalty is completely unacceptable.
I'm actually extremely liberal, but I don't say its completely unacceptable, although I think the current system isn't functioning the way it should, and is killing many people that don't deserve it.
When one kills another, there is no exception, it is murder.
Perhaps in many cases, but often times its not. Assisted suicide is one example, but we're so afraid of death that we let that cloud rationality, and the wishes of people who are often in extreme pain and suffering.
It's inhumane, imagine the psychological torture people on Death Row feel, imagine knowing your only here to die
People on Death Row commit the most serious of crimes, and imagine the psychological torture of those who were victims, or relatives of victims, knowing that the person who committed these crimes is still alive.
Knowing that this man died, he may be innocent, he may be guilty
Most the time guilt is a certainty, whether through irrefutable proof or confession, although I do agree that Death Row inmates should have extreme proof of their guilt, much more than the average conviction.
In 2004 3,374 people were put through this, these people had family, friends
And their thousands of victims had family, friends, who now have to live without them, knowing that they were innocents. For someone who's guilty to be killed, although extreme, is nowhere near the suffering of the family's who lost loved ones due to the often random actions of that individual.
we had a person who was only 18 on death row, 18, and you call that humane? Why would you throw a young mans life away when he was only 18, he has years of life left, years of opportunity
Most likely spent in jail if his crime was serious enough to warrant Death Row. Most, if not all of these people, faced life in jail, and no hope of parole. What crime did he commit though? And if the crime is serious enough, should age be a protection? For minor crimes perhaps, but murder, rape, torture? At that level its not a youths mistake anymore, but a persons malice and anger.
When people say that they support the Death Penalty, they're saying they support meaningless murder
Its not meaningless, unlike many who are guilty, who killed out of sheer anger and hate, or irrationality. Perhaps that's who we are as humans, but when someone goes far enough to murder like many of those inmates have, are they redeemable? Can you say, without a doubt, that these people can be turned around, and no longer be the person they were when they committed these serious crimes?
We have to stop living in fear. Fear has consumed this country, for years
I say this, not out of fear, but out of neutrality. You have to factor in the knowledge that these people aren't innocents, unlike the people that made their victims. Is it really justice to have serial killers spend there life in prison, living decently by many standards, while their victims are gone, and their mourners are still living with their loss? Fear does not control me in this decision, more the idea that sometimes an eye for an eye doesn't leave the whole world blind, but instead prevents the loss of more eyes.