Not all. Murder is the most heinous of crimes, hence we use the death penalty. If we went totalitarian, executing for some of the lower crimes, our crime rate would drop. Of course the west is filled with wussies, so that won't happen.
Murder is the most heinous of crimes, hence we use the death penalty
murder happens in every country. in the ones without death penalty the rate is lower. what exactly the reasons are i do not know, and i do not want to simplyfi here, but the system in other countries seems to keep murders down better than capital punishment.
Don't forget that many of those countries don't have a massive gang problem. Most countries don't have more than 5,000 gangs, while America has easy 1,000,000.
Most countries don't have more than 5,000 gangs, while America has easy 1,000,000.
yeah so america somehow fails to prevent the crimes and forming of gangs. you should rather think about a solution to the forming of gangs, than about punishment methods for them. if you prevent crimes everyone wins
more than 5,000 gangs, while America has easy 1,000,000.
Most countries don't also have our population size. And if you could get a link to back up that number of 1,000,000 gangs then we could take that clim seriously.
I just don't think that fighting killings with killing is the best option, as we have many others.
Why not instead of just killing these convicts we sentence them to life in prison and hard labor? Make them do community service for life while watched by armed guards as a cheaper way to get our streets and highways clean? If we were about to kill them we might as well make murderers the slaves to the community. After all, they earned their chains.
Most countries don't also have our population size
al comparisons made adressed either a rate saying how many murders or crimes where commited in relation to the population, or by taking governamental areas of a similar size. so the point saying that more people live in the us does not work.
It's not a law. It's enforcement of the law. The law determines who is eligible. And if sentenced, they deserve it. Always. Unless innocent. Which is rare.
The biggest problem with gangs is that the US don't imprison the non American criminals and they just send them back to their country, where they create gangs and make many crimes, cause the police of a poor South/central American country can't control 10,000 criminals armed with weapons and with much knowledge about it. So the US don't solve their problem and the other countries have it too.
I don't support the death penalty for anything other then the most extraordinary of circumstances where there is a mountain of the most compelling evidence on the planet...
Personally I feel a combination of corporal punishment & incarceration would be a more effective way to deal with offenders.
The best solution to your little gang problem would be to make Joseph Stalin president of the United States, there were no such gangs polluting the streets of Moscow while he was around! Sure things might get a trifle bit strict, but you can't argue that it wouldn't work!
there is a law that defines that the use of the death penalty is allowed. anyway, the use of punishment methods is not solving the crime problem of a country. in this case you cure symptoms not the illness