ForumsWEPRDeath Penalty and Execution

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What do you think about it? Cruel and unusual, or rightfully deserved? What do you think about the protocol associated with execution?

Anyone wants to see how we do it in Texas, you can find it here. You'll be quite surprised at the sheer quantity of executions.


  • 124 Replies
332 posts

Why should we kill people to teach them that killing is wrong? What are we teaching these criminals if they're dead? How do they really repay their debt to the community if they die? Say I had kids, if Billy hits Bob, should I hit Billy to teach him not to hit?

Its not a matter of teaching them whats wrong at that point, as the Death Penalty is used for severe cases only. This is not for them to repay their debt to society, but to ensure they don't harm it again, and act as a deterrent to those who might think about the same crimes. Perhaps its a bit crude, but that's why its reserved for extreme crimes.

Children are similar to dogs in their learning habits. You can yell at them over and over but they learn nothing. You give them a good whack and they will learn for quite some time not to do it again.

Always great to see my generation compared to dogs and seeing encouragements to slap us. Quick note. Anyone who try's to slap me is going to get knocked out, and seeing how I outsize just about every adult who might think about it, I'd say that's a pretty likely possibility. I'd also say, now that we're on opposite ends of the size scale than we were a few years ago and I'm actually able to defend myself, maybe some adults would learn some better habits if they were slapped for doing anything wrong.
Simply? Kids make mistakes. Sure, you can force them to associate it with pain and make it stick a little bit more, but if you want love, and not just fear, and respect coming from the fear, you might try actually solving the problem, not patching it and hoping that they're too afraid to fight back. You may see it as effective results, but its still physical abuse, whether its used for the benefit of the child or not.

Still, this is supposed to be about the death penalty, so I'll leave it for now and argue this on a topic that's designed for it.

755 posts

Wouldnt more death penalty=less crimes?

yeah how do you prove that point.
the usa has a higher capital crime rate, than most other democratic countries where there is no capital punishment.
so increasing death penalty would not decrease the amount of murders
5,579 posts

the usa has a higher capital crime rate, than most other democratic countries where there is no capital punishment.

Um, countries without capital punishment don't have capital crimes >.>

Also, we are much bigger than the countries in Europe and Asia. Control is much harder to attain. Also, we don't screw around over here. We like to actually punish people.

Always great to see my generation compared to dogs and seeing encouragements to slap us. Quick note. Anyone who try's to slap me is going to get knocked out, and seeing how I outsize just about every adult who might think about it, I'd say that's a pretty likely possibility.

I'm not comparing your generation to dogs. I'm comparing the behaviors of children and dogs. Huge difference. Also, if you were my kid, you would think twice about hitting back. You would be liable get it 10x worse.

755 posts

Also, we are much bigger than the countries in Europe and Asia.

i am talking about a crime rate. so a per capita number.

Um, countries without capital punishment don't have capital crimes >.>

what i mean is vrimes for which in the usa you would get capital punishment. the term capital crime is used in countries without capital punishment as well.

We like to actually punish people.

that i do believe, but i do not count it as something positive and it has nothing to do with the number of crimes
5,579 posts

i am talking about a crime rate. so a per capita number.

We are also much higher in gangs. There's you answer. 50,000 gangs in LA alone.

that i do believe, but i do not count it as something positive and it has nothing to do with the number of crimes

It is quite positive. Rapists and murderers never get to see the light of day again. Violent crime is punished very severely, so to deter future would be idiots.

Our crime per capita has very little to do with our actual crime rate. 99% of the citizens here are productive, while that 1% is in prison.
755 posts

Our crime per capita has very little to do with our actual crime rate. 99% of the citizens here are productive, while that 1% is in prison.

a crime rate is comparing the total number of crimes made in a country in relation to its population. otherwise no international comparison would be possible.

We are also much higher in gangs. There's you answer. 50,000 gangs in LA alone.

i believe this is one of the reasons.

my point was not to discuss why you have so many crimes, but to show, that capital punishment does not decrease the number of made crimes. otherwise, the crime rate in the european union(which has roughly as many citizens as the us) should be higher.
5,579 posts

Our murder rate is higher, I know that, but our capital offense is down in most places.

The only reason our crime rate is higher is because we don't implement capital punishment in broader fields. Look at China, you can be executed for embezzlement and trust me, their crime rates are down.

1,312 posts

Yeah,the US should be stricter,but punishment isn't as harsh as it used to be because everyone's turned soft. As Red Foreman would say"Everyone's turned into a bunch of fruitcakes and pansy-asses!"

755 posts

Our murder rate is higher, I know that, but our capital offense is down in most places.

lets take texas as example. as shown beforehand they have about 200 executions each year.

the murder rate for 2007 was 1240 and a total number of population 23Million.
in germany in the same year there were 2000 murders and a population of 80Million. so in texas the crime rate is twice as high, though capital punishment is used heavily
5,579 posts

lets take texas as example. as shown beforehand they have about 200 executions each year.

Inaccurate. They've only had 439 executions since 1982. I'll give you the requirements for a capital offense here, to show you what types of scum these people are:

* murder of a public safety officer or firefighter;
* murder during the commission of kidnapping, burglary, robbery, aggravated sexual assault, arson, or obstruction or retaliation;
* murder for remuneration;
* murder during prison escape;
* murder of a correctional employee;
* murder by a state prison inmate who is serving a life sentence for any of five offenses (murder, capital murder, aggravated kidnapping, aggravated sexual assault, or aggravated robbery);
* multiple murders;
* murder of an individual under six years of age.

There you have it.
755 posts

accurate. They've only had 439 executions since 1982

sorry for that, so i misread a post that has been made before. not necesserilly by you.

i have seen this criteria. it has rather nothing to do with the point being discussed beforehand
5,579 posts

Actually, yes it does. It's me trying to sway you. Also, I believe we have the most varied list of capital offenses here. So most of America isn't exactly a fan of it.

755 posts

crimes are commited in every country. even the same kind of crimes.
the difference is in the handling.

and to me the point of decreasing them with the death sentence is proven nowhere

5,579 posts

Think of it as example making. At least we do it humane ways nowadays. Also, I'm pretty sure Germany would execute a traitor of war criminal if they had to.

And yes it is proven. We just use it for not enough crimes.

395 posts

We need to broaden it so that if you commit murder you get the death penalty. AND you don't get to appeal it and sit on death row for years and years. You get your lethal injection or electric chair ASAP. That will help save the taxpayers money.

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