Ummmm. . .If I could understand your grammar well, I still wouldn't have a hard time poking holes in your arguments.
. . .Ahem.
how could you bielve all of this just happened that it was a accidented i mean the butiful secnery
Your use of the word 'accident' implies that you think there *must* be a god in the equation, making this a non-objective argument. Now, it's only your opinion that plants and dirt are beautiful, correct? It's not fact the 'secnery' is 'butiful.'
That makes this point invalid, as it's only an opinion.
the ability of life the aility of thuoghts the heart just happened to go in the body in the rtight place and the brain the intestns the colen the feet the nose .Ect
Have you read the theory of evolution, or at least a part of it? This point, as I see it, springs from a lack of understanding in evolution. Also, theism also has nothing to do with life. Just strictly the existence of a god. So this point is irrelevant, and therefore invalid.
we dident just happen to form out of adams and molicules randomly placed here an there
Once again, your wording implies that you think there *must* be a god, indicating bias. And guess what? We *are* just formed out of atoms and molecules. Around 7 octillion atoms, to be precise. Once again, we evolved to be where we are, most likely. So we didn't just happen to form out of atoms and molecules - we grew from our mother's wombs, and over a period of time the number of atoms in our bodies grew.
i mean first of all they say that energy was there but they dont say how it got there
Time and space ae linked. All the matter in the Universe (not necessarily just energy) was in a singularity trillions of times smaller than the do on a lowercase 'i.' And therefore, all time was there too. No time = no beginning, no end. So no origin needed. This point is invalid because you simply do not have the facts or ample understanding of the theory to make an argument such as this against it.
they say that the energy exploded but they dot say why and there was no are for a fire to be fueled by
Just. . .just. . .JUST. . .AAAARRRRRRRGH!
It didn't explode, and I don't know how the hell fire came into this. It was super-compressed, and it just expanded once it reached critical mass.
they say they exploded but agian no air for the explosines
Redundant. It didn't explode, and fire is not needed to make an explosion. Just. . .you must have no modicum of understanding of the theory if you say that seriously.
they say there was the exact same amount but yet matter suveved
I would refute this if I could understand your grammar.
Also, what does 'suveved' mean?
there are a few problems with ther anti god thieres all explaned by a chilled now desscuses
Could you please tell me what problems there are? The Big Bang theory isn't anti-god, and whatever '
oints' you brought up refute the Big Bang about as much as the existence of mashed potatoes refutes the existence of a god.