how could you bielve all of this just happened that it was a accidented i mean the butiful secnery
the ability of life the aility of thuoghts the heart just happened to go in the body in the rtight place and the brain the intestns the colen the feet the nose .Ect
we dident just happen to form out of adams and molicules randomly placed here an there
i mean first of all they say that energy was there but they dont say how it got there
they say that the energy exploded but they dot say why and there was no are for a fire to be fueled by
they say there was matter and anti matter they were atracted to each other but they dont say why
they say they exploded but agian no air for the explosines
they say there was the exact same amount but yet matter suveved
there are a few problems with ther anti god thieres all explaned by a chilled now desscuses
Hahaha, your begining statement gives many positive reasons that god exists. So the believers in god all say the positive, but when it comes down to it they will never say the negative. So I will help you all. If there was a god, why are their hundreds of thousands innocent people starving, dying, and being harmed by poverty and disease. Why do we have wars, if their was a god why hasn't he saved these innocent lives from hell. They have done nothing wrong but they pay a price for nothing.
how could you bielve all of this just happened that it was a accidented i mean the butiful secnery
So your saying, That science is far fetched, and we were created by a supreme creator who you call god, yet we have no proof of the creators existance except what you say is these few things
how could you bielve all of this just happened that it was a accidented i mean the butiful secnery
the ability of life the aility of thuoghts the heart just happened to go in the body in the rtight place and the brain the intestns the colen the feet the nose .Ect
I like how you fail to mention all other living organisms that exist. I guess this god only creates humans and scenery.
Now lets get realistic here, lets believe facts or a fictional book which is wrote to entertain. Although, I do find learning about actually facts very entertaining.
If there was a god, why are their hundreds of thousands innocent people starving, dying, and being harmed by poverty and disease. Why do we have wars, if their was a god why hasn't he saved these innocent lives from hell. They have done nothing wrong but they pay a price for nothing.
If there wasn't a God, why are we here in the first place? We all have a purpose in our lives. Some very different from others. The reason there's all this bad stuff is because of sin. And God has saved people. Maybe not here on earth, but in heaven.
enough money to publish my own books, publish my own music, publish my own movies.
Funny, but the best sellers today are written by morons and high school drop outs. By the time you are 20, you are too old to get into music, and not a single straight A student has made it in films. The only Job that a good speller and book smart person can get, is Teacher. It's been proven time and again, the most creative people are the D students. Also you can't relate to the normal man because you are in a 1% so you will always fail when you try to make something for them.
well for 1. learn how to spell, and 2. I'm to smart to be a slave to a bible and prey to an imaginary so called ''God''
I'm Christian but I'm not going to believe in that mumbo jumbo brainwashing crap, by the way 98% of Christians never really got the chance to choose if they want to be in a religion or not because when a baby is born and the parents are Christian the baby becomes Christian without even choosing lol