how could you bielve all of this just happened that it was a accidented i mean the butiful secnery
the ability of life the aility of thuoghts the heart just happened to go in the body in the rtight place and the brain the intestns the colen the feet the nose .Ect
we dident just happen to form out of adams and molicules randomly placed here an there
i mean first of all they say that energy was there but they dont say how it got there
they say that the energy exploded but they dot say why and there was no are for a fire to be fueled by
they say there was matter and anti matter they were atracted to each other but they dont say why
they say they exploded but agian no air for the explosines
they say there was the exact same amount but yet matter suveved
there are a few problems with ther anti god thieres all explaned by a chilled now desscuses
Let me tell you something, creator of post. Your failing Grammar.
Yes, atheism threads flame Christianity as well.
No, -Refers to alt's post-, it's flaming if you say horrible things and be a b*tch to the other religion for example, and don't let them get their argument in. This topic isn't really flaming either, it's just a grammatical fail, which people pay more attention to that then the topic. I would accept it if the creator lived in another country, but they live in America.
It's not that, it's just fact - there are a few atheists who are infamous for insulting other's beliefs (*coughKrizazcough*) but you're forgetting the immense amount of Christian users who don't come here much - I've seen plenty of users with 99.999% of Ap from game comments and game ratings traipsing in on a serious Christian thread to flame atheism - something that just doesn't happen in the atheist threads. There's flaming in atheist threads, but the Ag Christian Wanderer Principle ups the Christian flaming of atheism over the atheist flaming of Christianity.
If you guys need a grammar and spelling translation, read my first post here. And alt, no need to be like that! Don't flame and don't swear like that. Everyone's entitled to their opinion. And Monkey, you're not supposed to be on this site if you're eleven, limit is 13 or older. And I clearly remember myself being much, MUCH smarter than that when I was eleven!
i am 11 i dont know anthing aobut anything and i dont know how to spell plus mey kebored is acting up and agian sorry [b]AND I AM 11 not that smart[b]
Being eleven isn't an excuse. I knew all of what I posted to refute the OP when I was eleven. . .NINE MONTHS AGO. Remember, it's a good idea to do research if you're going to start a debate thread - regardless of age. I'm only twelve and I'm one of the most pervasive debaters here - I do my research. It's not hard, and it seeds good debate.
Dude, by the time I was 11 I could spell "neumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis" . Yeah, that's a real word. Google that crap. Granted, I was a child genius, but still!
And alt, no need to be like that! Don't flame and don't swear like that. Everyone's entitled to their opinion.
I never flamed or swore. . .I gave examples of flaming in contrast to what actually goes down in Christian and atheist threads.
"neumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis" . Yeah, that's a real word. Google that crap.
So could I. It's really easy to spell. The toughies are poronunciation flips - like 'fauchard' (pronounced foe-shar) or 'cyanophycean' (pronounced 'sai-anne-Oh-fi-shin)
Granted, I was a child genius, but still!
Cut it with the bragging. How old are you now? I'm still only twelve.
I was reading 700 page books in 6 days by age 11, I was writing ok paragraphs by age 11. And I was top in mathematics. I was also addicted to word puzzles.