Since I have joined Armorgams . . .I see a lot of Atheists and their threads about why people believe in God etc . . . I wanted to start a thread about the bible and christianity.
The purpose of this thread is to debate a different book of the bible each week. We will discuss lessons, morals, and different stories.
We will have friendly debates. Please . . . if you are atheist or of other beliefs . . . you may discuss in this thread, just PLEASE no fighting, flaming, spamming, trolling . . . etc
This week we will begin from the beginning . . . .Genesis
Anyway. . .I don't really know much about this story, but why would god only give them fire breath as a defense? I'm sure he, if he exists, would know that humans would have built weapons that could easily overcome turning water to blood and breathing fire. That's all that I can really nitpick now, as I don't really know much about this story.
No offense dude, but that was a really weak point. Read up and try again.
I'm sure he, if he exists, would know that humans would have built weapons that could easily overcome turning water to blood and breathing fire.
In Revelation 11:3, It says that God will allow them to preach for 1260 days. So even if man tried to kill them, they would not succeed until the 1260 days are over. And plus, in Revelation 11:7, the Bible reads that "After the two witnesses have finished preaching, the beast that lives in the deep pit will come up and fight against them. It will win the battle and kill them." So, mankind will not kill the witnesses because that is not God's will.
I do believe we have moved on to debating the two wittnesses during the tribulation. The turning water into blood and having fire come from their mouths are signs of power and testamonies that what they speak is true. This is an example of how hard hearted people are towards God that they see all these works but they still reject Him. The witnesses will not use these for self defence but to minister to the world in the last days. These witnesses will be killed, and left in the road to rot and will rise again a few days later and ascend into heaven as another testimony that what they taught is true. Their powers are not to slay people but to try and convert people for their own good, the next part, when Jesus comes back for the second time, is when the blood bath begins.
They are questioning why fire and turning water into blood, Kirby brought this up first in a rather immature way for a serious subject. I myself think it will be Elijah and Enoch, they both never died, one was caught up in a flaming chariot and Enoch simply 'was not.' Its possible that it will be Moses but he did die and that is why I think it will be Enoch.
Ahhhhh I see... Immaturity reigns everywhere (a lot here as a lot of users are still teens). Yeah I think it's quite possible that they'll either be Elijah or Enoch or Moses. I think it's Moses cuz of the whole miracles that they perform that sounds similar to what Moses did. But it doesn't matter who... I should be interested to see any of them! The book of Revelation is just too amazing for words. John is right... God gave us a great blessing in giving us this book...
It's too bad that most Christians never own up to what they go to church for. They always swear, they always lie, they're capitalists and therefore greedy, they commit i need to continue?
It's too bad that most Christians never own up to what they go to church for. They always swear, they always lie, they're capitalists and therefore greedy, they commit i need to continue?
To put it the best way I can, Christians aren't better than anyone the only difference is or should be that we feel shame and guilt when we do something that goes against what God wants. We still have the same urges as everyone else.
Also in Revelations most of the descriptions were metaphoric and Left Behind does a pretty bad job of explaining the book -.-
I was giving an outlandish analogy >.< Water into blood is a little...gross if you as me especially in large quantities.
The tribulations not supposed to Basically God's like hey you guys kinda missed me before so I'm going to do a few major miracles that I showed to John before and hope I get noticed. Also I'm not entirely sure how happy God is during the tribulation.
He can't be happy at all, his people are dying, and because people wil try to make outlandish excuses for what is happening even though what is happening is right there in the Bible.
My feelings exactly
Out of curiosity are the Christians here pre-trib rapture, mid-trib rapture, or post-trib rapture.