After putting some thought into the status of our public school, and the intellectual presence of America on the world stage. I've come to realized than the majority of our problems could be solved with smarter kids and the best way to get smarter kids is to get a better public school system.
Sorry my hippyness got carried away [I'm not a hippy] But I know he can't just take it, but they have proof there were left over money for the school budget, when most school still needed supplies.
Yes public schools are taking away alot of things from children. Private schools are good but cost a lot. Homeschooling is great. And gets you on the right path for a career you want. But I have a lot of home-schooled friends and if they read The bug went to his house in the tree and snuggled in. They would read it like "The bug w-w-wa-went to heee-... um...uh... HIS hou- hou- house in da tree and snug... mmm... um... snuggled in!" Homeschooler's are smart but it doesn't show. So yeah you have to make a decision Public? Private? Or Homeschooled?
And do you know what ended up happening years later? Another bloody recession! Lower the taxes of the majority by making the taxes of the rich much higher! That is only fair for the nation and to the economy.
What? Taxing everyone the same is waaay more intelligent than taxing the rich more. "Hey you did something with your life so um were going to tax you more." Also the majority of the people who would get taxed more own businesses and most would fire some of their workers in order to recover the extra money caused by taxes. Thus they stay the same and unemployment rises.
Sorry off topic.
Anyway I think that homeschoolings a bit idiotic if your not learning form an online school but from your parents. Well, if your in 5th grade or below than MAYBE it would be alright, but after that no parent is certified to teach their child.
Anyway I think that homeschoolings a bit idiotic if your not learning form an online school but from your parents. Well, if your in 5th grade or below than MAYBE it would be alright, but after that no parent is certified to teach their child.
Agreed. Although I think that parents should stop at around third grade. They may think that they are able to teach their child after that, but even fourth grade is going to be further ahead than their fourth grade was. Anything after fifth grade is just ridiculous and they're going to fall behind tremendously.
What? Taxing everyone the same is waaay more intelligent than taxing the rich more. "Hey you did something with your life so um were going to tax you more." Also the majority of the people who would get taxed more own businesses and most would fire some of their workers in order to recover the extra money caused by taxes. Thus they stay the same and unemployment rises.
Why tax the middle class the most when the government can get even more spending money by taxing the rich more and the middle class. The lower-middle class would get a lower tax rate because they are the ones who need to keep the more money they make.
Why tax the middle class the most when the government can get even more spending money by taxing the rich more and the middle class. The lower-middle class would get a lower tax rate because they are the ones who need to keep the more money they make.
How about tax everyone the same rate? Saaay, 15 or 20%. The government still taxes the rich more (I know you socialist loooove that) and taxes the poor less (Another thing you love) but still allows the rich to get richer, the poor to get poorer, the rich to become poor, and poor to become rich. Makes sense to me (And everyone else with anyone with political sense).
I see homeschooling is a big topic right now, and I'll throw in my ten cents.
Besides the obvious lack of knowledge they no doubt have, there is also the social aspect. I've spent almost three years of my life now with an almost prison of a house. It's not fun. The human psyche requires human interaction, or an almost wild state sets in. They for the most part, will never be able to function in any job involving human interaction. They will fail. 100%.
How about tax everyone the same rate? Saaay, 15 or 20%. The government still taxes the rich more (I know you socialist loooove that) and taxes the poor less (Another thing you love) but still allows the rich to get richer, the poor to get poorer, the rich to become poor, and poor to become rich. Makes sense to me (And everyone else with anyone with political sense).
I wouldn't love that, but it would be an improvement to our system. And you're not getting it, what if a poor person can't live off a 20% tax rate but a rich person easily can? This is because 20% out of a million dollars is a lot different than 20% out of only $15,000. You would get far better public services and more people who are not economically struggling if you raised the tax rates according to the wealth. Say 70% out of some one who makes over one million dollars a year and maybe about 15% out of someone who makes 15,000 or 20,000 dollars a year. Raise the taxes for the rich so that the poor can survive
Say 70% out of some one who makes over one million dollars
That's a tad oxymoronic. It's completely against the entire system the world runs on. Let's say a business makes $1,000,000 a year. With only 300,000 dollars income, that business will not succeed. Why? Because in the IRSs' eyes, all of that money is made by the owners. Those owners will be lucky if they make 75k a year. On the 1,000,000 package. Where does all the money go? To other people (The employees), upgrades, expansions, etc.
I'll see you when Americas' economy flunks under that system. And you have a 90% chance of being out of a job.
That's a tad oxymoronic. It's completely against the entire system the world runs on. Let's say a business makes $1,000,000 a year. With only 300,000 dollars income, that business will not succeed. Why? Because in the IRSs' eyes, all of that money is made by the owners. Those owners will be lucky if they make 75k a year. On the 1,000,000 package. Where does all the money go? To other people (The employees), upgrades, expansions, etc. I'll see you when Americas' economy flunks under that system. And you have a 90% chance of being out of a job.
I didn't even mention anything about the company's profits... that was completely irrelevant because I was talking about an individual's income.
Public schools aren't bad. It's the kids fault. I have gone to public school my entire life and I am smarter than everyone I know that has gone to private schools their entire life. Really, if a kid puts effort into work, studies for test, and does their homework, than they will be at least somewhat smart.
Thats just my opinion. I have my flame shield up =P
Public schools aren't bad. It's the kids fault. I have gone to public school my entire life and I am smarter than everyone I know that has gone to private schools their entire life. Really, if a kid puts effort into work, studies for test, and does their homework, than they will be at least somewhat smart.
I agree. In most cases it's not the schools fault that the kids are failing, but the students. Then the students complain to their parents about the school, and we hear about how the school doesn't have good enough teachers. Of course some schools don't have good teachers and it really is their fault, but I don't think that's the case in most cases. Kids in the U.S. are just lazy.