After putting some thought into the status of our public school, and the intellectual presence of America on the world stage. I've come to realized than the majority of our problems could be solved with smarter kids and the best way to get smarter kids is to get a better public school system.
What's the point in having private schools when public schools produce some intelligent individuals? Nationalize, nationalize, NATIONALIZE!
But what if the private schools can foster intelligent individuals in their unique atmosphere? I was in a public school, before transfering to a Christion-Private School. Simply put, I got better grades. In a Democratic society, people have the choice of whether or not to put their children or themselves into a private school.
Then let us have a state-funded Christian-Public School! Same teachers, same environment, but now it's socialized and anyone can go! Think of the children being cheated out of their future because they couldn't afford their future! And if they get back grade, they can be thrown out and sent to the regular public schools!
I agree. In most cases it's not the schools fault that the kids are failing, but the students. Then the students complain to their parents about the school, and we hear about how the school doesn't have good enough teachers. Of course some schools don't have good teachers and it really is their fault, but I don't think that's the case in most cases. Kids in the U.S. are just lazy.
Unfortunatly your right, I think it has something to do with our mentality of being "the best country in the world" that makes us think we don't need to care because were already on top.
Then let us have a state-funded Christian-Public School! Same teachers, same environment, but now it's socialized and anyone can go! Think of the children being cheated out of their future because they couldn't afford their future! And if they get back grade, they can be thrown out and sent to the regular public schools!
While I get what your saying it would take away the private part of the school, now I do think we should dived schools into three levels of average, above average, and below average. But this would require funding and teachers we don't have, screw stimuluses.
Then let us have a state-funded Christian-Public School!
I'm not against nationalizing the education system, but I am against there being no separation between Church and state. Having government funded Christian private schools would encourage religios influence in the government.
if you combine a good ice cream and a bad hot day then you get a worse ice cream - lemme explain this more
you get a fresh ice cream on a hot day and it tastes wonderful. then 2 minutes later you notice it is slightly melted so you try to eat it faster. soon all of the ice cream has been melted and you're sad, sitting on the sidewalk with a cone in your hand. don't expect good results last forever