What do you think about the problem of obesity in America? For me, I think it is so messed up how people keep eating and eating and eating without any form of exercise. I really don't like it when obese people say they want to diet, but then go to McDonalds and order a Large BigMac meal and a diet coke because they are on a diet . . .It just aggravates me how they feel like victims, when in fact they are the ones hurting themselves.
by YOURtax dollars to help get rid of obese people once and for all! It's time for the community pays to fix their problem!
why should i pay for the problems someone else brings upon himself. if someone is eating without thinking than he will become fat and that is his problem. i do not see a reason to pay for his mistakes. if someone willingly brings obesity onto himself he should take care about solving this problem. people should solve their everydays problems by themselves and not wait for someone else to do it
But food is soooooooo tasty, how can you NOT want to eat all the time?
you can do this. but than live with the consequences of it. the thing is, that we should at least teach kids about healthy eating, so that they can choose bey themselves how they want to live and look like
You can eat all you want, but it has to be 50/50. exercise and eating.
Lol and if that's all you do all day...well you've got problems. Really you should exercise a lot more than you eat, but it shouldn't be like a conscious thing for most people. I just eat when I'm hungry, and exercise frequently.