What do you think about the problem of obesity in America? For me, I think it is so messed up how people keep eating and eating and eating without any form of exercise. I really don't like it when obese people say they want to diet, but then go to McDonalds and order a Large BigMac meal and a diet coke because they are on a diet . . .It just aggravates me how they feel like victims, when in fact they are the ones hurting themselves.
I mademy point about government-funded health care before. If you've got it, then everyone suffers.
then as well everyone suffers under the health-risking actions of many many other groups in a society. therefore, either everyone of them is going to be restricted or none of them.
and when healthcare is provided by the governement, then it is funded through taxes and obese people pay taxes, too.
ya, I think it's dumb how people measure their health by their weight. If you go to the gym constantly and are trying to lose weight there is a point at which you will start gaining weight, because the increases in muscle mass overcome the amount of fat you are losing when you reach the lower limit.
What bugs me about Americans is that they love to blame their problems on everything else. Like if they are fat, they like to blame it on mcdonalds. It's your own will power and lack of self control.
I know it's tough sometimes, you were raised with a horrible dietary upbringing, you are poor, work multiple jobs, don't have time to cook or exercise. Ya it sucks, but there are ways around it.
I was going to say that they should include healthy eating and exercise in the school curriculum, but they do have health classes. Obviously they didn't teach very well because I do not remember anything from that class.
ya, I think it's dumb how people measure their health by their weight. If you go to the gym constantly and are trying to lose weight there is a point at which you will start gaining weight, because the increases in muscle mass overcome the amount of fat you are losing when you reach the lower limit.
Indeed... solely basing it on weight can lead you in a completely wrong direction. The problem is that BMI doesn't include body type, fat percentage, weight AND height... but people often base their imagined health on BMI. My BMI right now -around 18 or 19 I think- is lower than it was, but that's all because I stopped exercising. I lost my muscles but got fat in return - and I still weigh less!
What bugs me about Americans is that they love to blame their problems on everything else. Like if they are fat, they like to blame it on mcdonalds. It's your own will power and lack of self control.
I don't think that's purely an american 'defect'. I think just about everyone has that problem... it's so much easier to find something to blame your problems on and ignore the reasons why the problems arose in the first place.
Well it isnt really their fault I mean usually if you see a fat kid then usually its their parents fault cause they buy them bad food or its just genetic.
Well it isnt really their fault I mean usually if you see a fat kid then usually its their parents fault cause they buy them bad food or its just genetic.
the genetics determine your metabolism. you have to adjust your diet to it.
and yeah its the parents fault who teach their kids wrong nurishing habits. but it is a common fact, that you do not blame parents(especially they dont do it), but its always the governements or the big companies. so instead of changing something by themselves, they expect some sort of governemental miracle
And another thing is allthe advertisments of candy and stuuf and I gave never seen a commercial about vegtables so that is another thing.
yeah right its the companies fault, because the do not advertis veggies. i mean its logical. companies advertise and sell stuff, the people want to buy. since most people rather buy candy than vegetables.