This is a rather basic question that I happen to find myself asking sometimes. What is your opinion? State which you think would've come first and give a good reason as to why. I don't know if there has already been a thread on this, but I apologize if there has.
Here's the answer to all your problems. Some form of ancient chickens, I don't know what that was, had a mutation (Evolution) and there was a mutated baby whatever you want to call it. Now that is what we came to call the chicken. After thousands and thousands of years of evolution, it split into it's own branch. The chicken had to come first, because the egg the chicken hatched out of was not a chicken egg, but it's predecesors egg, then that mutated whatever branched into a chicken. Problem solved, go home.
So the egg came before the chicken, but the chicken egg came after the chicken. Because the question probably refers to a chicken egg, the answer would be the chicken.
So the only way to solve it is, are we looking for a chicken in any egg, or a chicken in a chicken egg.
I still personally think that the birth of whatever science would class as a chicken, whould happen in the conception and that "chicken" would grow in the egg.
So I would ask again if we care what egg the chicken was in. I reckon its the egg that birthed the chicken who wins. Unless we wanna say the chicken is IN the egg already and so the chicken comes first but thats going too far.
STOP THIS THREAD, PLEASE. the answer was given a few time ago, SO please stop saying its the chicken its the egg. I don't want to retype the whole thing myself, so I'll paste a good comment I found around page 20.
From an evolutionary standpoint it would depend on What you mean by the egg.
If you mean a chicken egg then obviously the chicken came first.
But if you mean a egg that contains a chicken in it then the egg came first because another animal could "give birth" to a egg that had similarities to a chicken then through millions of years that process would continue with the animal a little different from before untill a near chicken bird "gave birth" to a egg that hatches a chicken
None, because everyone has a differnet definition of "chicken". But if you have to choose i choose the egg because chickens kept evolving till one became the chicken as we know it.