All i hear now is just really, really bad rap songs, where has all the rock songs gone? I want to know If rock still has a fan base, and i mean a strong one. And if rock isn't dead whose the best rock band?
Love Rock and I wouldn't say it is dead it is just that is isn't "fashionable" now. There isn't as much money in it so all the fame/money whores aren't making it But their are some good modern rock acts. Artic Monkeys are pretty good. And Franz Ferdinand are sort off rock (-ish) This Fire is good (linked ffrom their name) but I love Take me Out by them. Plus Blur have come back and Oasis have done some great gigs recently. (probably shouldn't have mentioned those two in the same sentence >.>
Not yet for some good bands are still aroiund but once we get to 2015, it'll be gone. Hence, because of not many topics left to sing about without copying. Besides.
Well I love rock, and right now it just isn't that famous, so it might seem like it's dead. It's not though, I think it'll always be there for some reason.
Most people just listen to that rap.. that I despise xD
Not yet for some good bands are still aroiund but once we get to 2015, it'll be gone. Hence, because of not many topics left to sing about without copying. Besides.
I think that it's impossible, because there's always anything to sing about, anything at all can work. :P
I think this kinda fits this discussion . Anyway I thnk it would be a bit off to say rock would be over but 2015. There have always been few subject matters for songs but that is because (in the words of Blur bassist Alex James) "Good songs are about love or drugs and great songs are about both.". There have been a million love songs but there are still a million more ways for people to express it. There will always be angry teenagers tailking about their generation.
I dont think it will be over in 2015 just because there is over a million songs that are about love and half of them have been the #1 song at some point of time. I think that it will be so un-mainstream that it just disappears from the public eye. It will never disappear from my eye.
Green, I dont know where you live but not one of my local stations plays modern rock... and i am the only guy in my grade who thinks boom boom pow is just repeating random words over the same generic beat. Try that for "not fitting in"
Green, I dont know where you live but not one of my local stations plays modern rock...
I have one...(only one ) and it plays all the modern rock. But like I said, it's just not quite as popular right now and the radio plays what most people want to hear.
I find it kind of hard to believe that none play modern rock though, are you sure there aren't any?
Rise Against ruuules!! Ok, their last record is a crap, but Revolutions per Minutes or Siren Song of the Counter Culture are amazing!!!
In this style, you could listen to The Lawrence Arms, a bit more HxC, but really nice! Anyway, Rock is not dead at all, you find plenty of bands doing rock, doing Punk, doing HxC, Metal, etc...