I am a hunter and a die hard shooter I love guns. I go to a very liberal school were every thinks guns are evil and they kill people. I am entirely against this and would like to hear what other people say about guns or argue about how they are used.
n vermont they have the easiest gun laws in North America They also have the lowest crime rate in North america. In Switzerland every person beetween the ages of 18 and 40 i think has an assault rifle and they have some of the lowest crime rates in the world
The swiss have assault rifles to defend there neutrality in military service and it depends on how you hunt i hunt and i kill then i eat the meat i find that fine it is more humane than industrial slaughter of cows. yes some animals are cute but have you seen moose or bears not cute. People in Canada don't realize that its the people. They think its the guns. Take Britain for example they remove guns and crime rate soars.
think some guns should be illegal like snipers, combat rifles and etc. But simple hand guns for protection or hunting rifles should definently be legal. Even our forefathers thought so
Our forefathers weren't Gods. They didn't live in the same century as us, and back then the world was a lot different. It doesn't make sense to have the same set of laws no matter how the world changes.
Our forefathers weren't Gods. They didn't live in the same century as us, and back then the world was a lot different. It doesn't make sense to have the same set of laws no matter how the world changes.
I have been thinking about this for a long time now. The Constitution (which was drafted hundreds of years ago) cannot fully apply to this time. I agree with you.
The reason guns were legalized in the Bill of Rights was a reason that still applies today, tyrants come to power and the people have to have something better then a vote to stop them. Gun control is up to the individual, and banning weapons only aids the criminals. I own several guns, shotgun, WWII rifle, and a semi-automatic AR-15 (M4 type), and I'm not a criminal. Many people own guns, more then you think, but we don't all go on shooting sprees. What I find strange is why there have been so many shootings, especially school shootings in the last decade or so. There was a time when a child could order a real machine gun from a catalog ('20s, '30s) and there really weren't any then. Some people are just not completely sane and have an urge to kill, and don't think taking guns away will stop them. They can just as easily get a knife, make a bomb, or even make a chemical weapon from kitchen cleaners (surprisingly not that hard). Well maintained guns in responisble hands never hurt anyone innocent.
Guns are a complex thing on one hand it can protect your family if your house is robbed and on the other hand it can rob the family with the most likely result of death on either side, the problem is that anyone can buy a gun you say it's people that use the guns to kill people but that's the problem people are being given guns which they shouldn't be given, and the problem in britain is that the government is very irresponsible and lets people sneak guns into the country from a certain other country where it is legal.
Men you're freaky! Ok I'm not american, so maybe it's not in my culture to have guns allowed everywhere (indeed it is not), but you can't reason by:guns don't kill people, people kills people! It's stupid! The purpose of a gun IS to kill someone!
the guns part is to help the citizens in case a tyrannical government comes to power.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You're a twat if you think so! When is the last time USA needed guns to protect citizens from their tyrannical government?? The Constitution allowded guns to help settlers protect their families and cattle in the early 1800, but now their's no need to protect your family from guns, if guns aren't allowed to anyone! In France, you don't have right to buy a gun, unless you have hunt permit or you're a miltary, and is there school shooting in France?No.
It's common sense men!the school shootings wouldn't be that easy to perform if teenagers couldn't buy guns in any gunshop in town!
No just to stop someone e.g. you can shoot a guy in the leg to stop him if he was robbing your house or kidnapping someone then you can stop a criminal without being a killer.
I think that we should allow people to carry guns. After all, hardly anyone misuses them, they're for self-protection, and "guns are evil" is hardly the case. Guns don't kill people. People kill people. So let's say there was someone who was actually planning something evil with their gun. So we take the gun away with the law. They'll just find some other way to kill someone. Taking away guns is not going to stop people from being killed. Guns are used for self-protection, and in the case of hunting, entertainment. And if it's any consolation to those who truly believe that guns kill people, I mean, like it's actually the gun that kills the person, I don't think guns are allowed in psychiatric wards.
I agree that gun control is probably a bad idea it reminds me of something i heard on the news i think...some kids pulled a sharpened screwdriver on a guy and he pulled out a revolver lol he actually shot and injured like 3 of them.
However we need guns I still prefer weapons like the sword.