I am a hunter and a die hard shooter I love guns. I go to a very liberal school were every thinks guns are evil and they kill people. I am entirely against this and would like to hear what other people say about guns or argue about how they are used.
playing Think that guns are all fun and games, huh? Why don't you tell that to all the families of soldier's killed in Iraq and Afghanistan? Perhaps you should tell that to the families of victims at Virginia Tech. Guns are bad! Guns are not your friends!
When you quote someone TAKE THE WHOLE THING he said I like to level the playing field meaning if the other guy had a gun he would want one too. And IM the family of WW11 and vietnam verterans so dont think you know what your talking about it doesnt make me sad and angry when someone uses an expression
I'm not vegetarian but I'm against hunting in most cases. What gives us the right to kill an animal just to put its head on our wall? It's not like it's a fair fight anyway. A human with a gun, traps, etc vs a nearly helpless animal.
The only point of hunting should be to thin down a population if it's actually affecting the humans in the are. For example we extended our deer hunting season raised the number you can kill to three and gave a few people the right to bow hunt inside our city limits. This is because they're waaaaay to timid and cause a bunch of car accidents. I believe we should be aloud to own guns though.