Also it was considered a mental illness in the U.S. up until 1973 I believe.
Yeah I'm not sure of the exact dates involved in that but I know it's true. There are probably still people who think it is.
im muslim and again its a sin in our religeon like the christians i this is a sickniss u are mentally ill and you need help im not saying we have to kill u but im saying just go to a phycaiatrist
I really was not expecting someone to prove me right on that so quickly.
Was posted literally as I typed. I was just floored when I finished my post because that hadn't been posted yet when I was writing mine. It's spooky...:P I find myself waiting for the Twilight Zone music to start up...dododo
But yeah I respect the opinion of it being a sin (even if I don't share it) but I have to disagree with the idea of homosexuality as a mental illness.
I have no idea why they won't let it. I has watching a doco on queen and when he toured the West they wouldn't play his music on the radio because he sounded gay how sad is that.
I have no idea why they won't let it. I has watching a doco on queen and when he toured the West they wouldn't play his music on the radio because he sounded gay how sad is that.
Homosexuality is a person's choice, just because they are gay, dosen't mean that they are automatically wierd etc. The goverment should keep it's ugly nose out of other people's buisness
They can't just decide not to be gay anymore, a heterosexual person can't up and decide to be gay. I believe that we're all born more or less bisexual, and then soon after birth we become either homosexual or heterosexual. After that initial decision that your mind makes it will take a lot more to switch.
People who think it's an illness are just being ridiculous and don't want to admit they think they're weird.
There's a simple reason why the Goverment cares. If everyone was gay there the world wouldnt be able reproduce and the human race world die out
i am very sure, that the percentage of gay people in a society is not determined by a possibility for gay people to legalize their relationship(marrige or call it whatever you want). you dont chose willingly to be gay. either you like your own sex or not. if you allow gay marrige, people wouldnt start being gay more often than before. you would only get accurater numbers, because lots of gays simply never did come out and noone knows that they are gay.
dont worry we are not going to extinct ourselves because of homosexuality