Fist of all, all way's make a bank first to speed up the process. Then make a forge. Set spawn to repeat and turn on Power. The make a generator and then a Armory. Set the Armory to Power. Unleash a couple A 25 Romans and turn on Rally to defend yourself for bit. Then fully upgrade all of your buildings(you will have to spawn more A-25's while your upgrading.) OK so now that you have upgraded you can now attack. Leave some defense behind. When you in take some Gladiators with you. Also bring some anti tank units with you. And some airborne machines to stop the Black queens. No bring in some firepower. You may have to repeat the process a few times. Keep doing it until they go down. Arsenal Strike Now make a bank, then an outpost, and two armories. Set both of the armories on the men. No set up some defenses and upgrade you buildings. When they all done move in with some tanks. Leave a few tanks behind to guard also. Take in a lot of infantry with you.they should be taken down easily if you overwhelm the enemy. Keep spawning Arsenal until they go down.
then build phantoms or sakata mk2s with armory on energy for mk2s and money for phantoms. tier 3 is waste of money as no one knows what to do with spiders and gladiator fail to phantoms every time or any splash dmg whatsoever
I disagree. 10 or so gladiators is nearly unstoppable.
Here is what happens when people upgrade from the start. If they are on my team, I am the one building all the troops and using my resources just to have them die off. When I need my partner to send troops so that I may upgrade some or so that I may save up money for troops, they just focus on themselves.
If my enemies focus on upgrading from the start, I win.
I agree here with firetail, only real counter to glads is hover tanks.
And other glads.
Here is what happens when people upgrade from the start. If they are on my team, I am the one building all the troops and using my resources just to have them die off. When I need my partner to send troops so that I may upgrade some or so that I may save up money for troops, they just focus on themselves.
If my enemies focus on upgrading from the start, I win.
50% of the time combat doesn't start until everyone has pretty much filled up their spaces and is upgrading into the tier-3 factor.
Always keep an eye on what your enemies are doing, if you sense that they are going for upgrades, a good Roman Rush will tackle that CC extremely quickly. I never go for 2 resource buildings first, always give yourself a chance to strike or defend.
Scouts are good defense, but they can't do to much to a command center. Romans have a weapon type that is effective vs the CC. The best counter for romans is not scouts either, unless you have a huge mass of them, but other romans themselves and tanks (talking early units here).
then build phantoms or sakata mk2s with armory on energy for mk2s
I find sakata mk2s quiet useless I basically follow Zenja strategy but I keep an eye out on what my enemy is doing.
I find missles aren't really to cheap at all you have to do is send out a sarifice or build a hover tank and keep a medic healing it. Or just send your army out in groups or just spawn them 1 by 1.
Scouts are good defense
Scout are basically good overall they can attack both air and ground and are very cheap and you get spam alot of them very early in the game. Thought they can' do much dmage to the CC but if they could they would be waayy to cheap.
Mass gladiators can be stopped by dual outposts using just the basic tank, I've done that a few times.
But dual outposts is rarely seen.
I like gladiator and medic, I remember one time I have only one gladiator that killed off the entire enemy army, staying invincible moving back and forth, and tanked numerous missiles as 5+ medics backing him XD
50% of the time combat doesn't start until everyone has pretty much filled up their spaces and is upgrading into the tier-3 factor.
I do wait to attack until I have tier 3, but I always keep men out on the field in case the other team does attack. Then I counter because they usually go all out. Also, if I am ever in a tough spot I spam marines/romans to divert the fire and let my base take care of them.
NoNamec68, i beat cholokid, i based my strategy to counter his... no one really knows how to counter black queens with scouts, you gotta be good at microing your units.