Fist of all, all way's make a bank first to speed up the process. Then make a forge. Set spawn to repeat and turn on Power. The make a generator and then a Armory. Set the Armory to Power. Unleash a couple A 25 Romans and turn on Rally to defend yourself for bit. Then fully upgrade all of your buildings(you will have to spawn more A-25's while your upgrading.) OK so now that you have upgraded you can now attack. Leave some defense behind. When you in take some Gladiators with you. Also bring some anti tank units with you. And some airborne machines to stop the Black queens. No bring in some firepower. You may have to repeat the process a few times. Keep doing it until they go down. Arsenal Strike Now make a bank, then an outpost, and two armories. Set both of the armories on the men. No set up some defenses and upgrade you buildings. When they all done move in with some tanks. Leave a few tanks behind to guard also. Take in a lot of infantry with you.they should be taken down easily if you overwhelm the enemy. Keep spawning Arsenal until they go down.
I've always started with bank, forge or outpost, set them to farm, men or power. Upgrade Bank, then Generator (If I made the Forge), Then upgrade forge or Outpost twice. And depending on what the other person is sending out make another Outpost or Forge. =P Qweens aren't all powerful although some seem to think that for some reason...They go down pretty easily. Anyways, just thought I'd throw this out here.
I've always started with bank, forge or outpost, set them to farm, men or power. Upgrade Bank, then Generator (If I made the Forge), Then upgrade forge or Outpost twice. And depending on what the other person is sending out make another Outpost or Forge. =P Qweens aren't all powerful although some seem to think that for some reason...They go down pretty easily. Anyways, just thought I'd throw this out here.
I use the same strategy and I have only lost twice out of 15 games.
Always make an outpost first then a forge. Send out some gladiators and a few tanks.(about 6) Put them on hold. put up a hospitalmand armory. Send your holded group on out to fight the enimy base while you stock up on resorcess. then upgrade bildings and send more tanks out. Now use you doctor men and send them out. Imbetween all steps send out about three helicopters at a time.
NoNamec68, i beat cholokid, i based my strategy to counter his... no one really knows how to counter black queens with scouts, you gotta be good at microing your units.
Use about 10 Sakata mk2s and 15-20 Phantoms to keep the Sakatas mk2s alive. Won several games using only this strategy.
Bank Armory Set Armory on money Forge Bank - Treasury Treasury on Money Forge - Manufactory Ask teammate to cover you(Optional) Make Phantoms Make Sakata MK2s Rotate the previous 2 step till you have enough troops Attack!!!
Oh, a team of gladiators/Sakata M2s/Phantoms is very deadly.
Phantoms cover for Sakata M2s and gladiators, taking out infantry and tanks, gladiators will take out air units and Sakata M2s on the enemy team targetting phantoms, and the Sakata M2s protect your phantoms from air units.
I've beaten every single opponent I've faced using gladiators, scouts, mk-iis(when I'm forge)
Use about 10 Sakata mk2s and 15-20 Phantoms to keep the Sakatas mk2s alive. Won several games using only this strategy.
Which should I get first? phantoms or sakatas?
Gladiators and tanks will be too costly to continually use.
Well using my forge build I can constantly bring a stream of Gladiators out. Tanks is another story. I don't think its possible to constantly bring those out. Three is the most at the same time I've ever been able to bring out. I always have to change my armories from manpower to energy and vice versa. (I'm talking about hover tanks, sorry forgot to put hover everywhere)
As a capitalist you build very slowly and you won't run out of resources for gladiators but as fascists you'll quickly muss up a force but you'll also run out of materials very quickly.
Anyways, hover tanks own gladiators. It's hard to beat a hover tank/Sakatas team.
Sadly enough I have at times beaten those teams with glads/scouts teams before. I guess its a matter of who uses them, though I have yet to face Cholokid, and NoName, and actually beat them though. I haven't really made a strategy to take care of their tactics yet.
NoNamec68, i beat cholokid, i based my strategy to counter his... no one really knows how to counter black queens with scouts, you gotta be good at microing your units.
201 wins, 29 losses. 10 losses from beta, 10 losses from lagging out.
9 losses are from either, A. Getting set up and faced against 2 people while its just me on my team, or B. Making a new strategy.
So I say, congratulations on winning because I lacked a strategy. Why not come face me again? I'll be happy to have you as my 202nd win.
Me and Cholo are the masters of blitzkrieg. Our strategy has become popular, but it was us who originally used it. Even though others have addopted our strategy, I have not seen anyone who performs it as well as we do.
In fact, Lige plays an important roll with a new strategy that is currently being developed.
Mass queen is just overpowered, the only viable way to beat it is have one ally build suicidal little soldiers continuously (no rally), drawing the missiles while the other micro a few MK IIs to strike range, it requires co-operative allies.