John Coleman, founder of the weather channel, and 30,000 scientists along with 9,000 of them with PHDs are attempting to sue Al Gore for financial fraud due to false Global Warming
do you have to think everything is for personal gain?
Saying I think everything is for personal gain would be a horrible over statement. I do, however, think that this is for personal (if you consider the benefit of a sole organization as personal) gain. I don't see why else they would sue Al Gore for refusing to debate with them. I highly doubt he'll be any more likely to debate with them even if they win. (which I also doubt)
even if it were for personal gain then could you think it will be used better in the hands of science?
Possibly, but it's his money to do with what he will. If he believed in their cause he could donate it, but since he doesn't he shouldn't be forced to give them his money.
i believe Al Gore planted a tree for timber and now a fire has been set
What he's started isn't going to hurt anyone though. It's gotten people to be more environmentally friendly, how is that bad?
I just think it's funny how people were so blind to the fact that after he made his millions and charged his thousands in speaking fees that he just let it all go.