"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands: one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
This is repeated every morning by students all over the world, and is recited at many events. However, there's one part that many people have a problem with. "One nation, under God". Why should Americans be forced to acknowledge the existence of God to pledge their allegiance to their country?
So my question to you: Should the "under God" be removed from the pledge of allegiance?
It's kind of like my argument against total gun rights. The constitution was written back when the world was much different. America isn't really a "Christian nation" anymore, so it should better represent us. Or at least leave religion out of it all.
Why we suck *cough*
Especially something like religion, it's so controversial.
Not unless you make it controversial gesh if it said one Nation under Buddha Christians who protested would be getting bashed left and right. Or one nation under man..
True, if we didn't talk about things so much they wouldn't be controversial. That would make for a boring forum though.
Yea..but still you have to think what the pledge is even saying, basically that'd you would do anything for America, I think that's a bit more controversial.
Actually it was because George MacPherson Docherty wanted it changed, basically. He thought that "the pledge should reflect the American spirit and way of life as defined by Lincoln".
No it those words shouldn't be taken out but if you don't like it or have a reson to not say the pledge then just deal with the strange looks when they come and people not agreeing as for me I'll gladly say all of the pledge I lerned in elamentery with pride every time I'm asked to.
When I lived there I never did any of that. I never beleved in that kind of thing. I don't think a country should be proud like America.
don't get in trouble, I just get strange looks from all the teachers. And some of the teachers don't respect me much. I hate the way God has taken over the innocents minds... Much like a zombie. Relevance?
Agreed...Same when I had to do it. Pride isn't a good thing when it comes to nations. You shoulden't be proud just because you are a citizen in a certian nation.
I don't even stand up for the pledge. If any teachers say anything about it I tell them it's my right to sit if I want to. There's nothing the teacher can do about it. That normally happens at the beginning of every school year.
I don't even stand up for the pledge. If any teachers say anything about it I tell them it's my right to sit if I want to. There's nothing the teacher can do about it. That normally happens at the beginning of every school year.
My question is: Why are you offended? You don't have to say anything. By the way, why should we take it out when most Americans believe in god? So we can make a bunch of complaining atheists happy? Also, if we do that, expect there to be more than a few minor successionist civil wars to break out.
But the question still stands: Why are you offended?