I personally do think there will be. And as far as this "war on terrorism" goes it might lead to WW3. I want to know what you guys/girls know. And keep to the rules.
I also think that once stuff actually starts to go down, North Korea will be first to start launching nuke. Right now they are all talk, because they don't want any trouble and they know they dont stand a chance. But they will start a war when they have the chance.
yes of course if there are any bings with our kind inteligence on earth then war will always be waged between them and some will be with the world. all it needs is one little thing to set it off
and also unless we get invaded by aliens the world will NEVER unite which will probably be never because they will be fighting their own wars on their planets they probably wont be able to come here for a long time and when that time comes for them to travel they will have already wiped themselves out and if they dont we will have wiped ourselves out so we will ultimately be our own distruction and when it starts over who knows matbe the new species to rule will have the SMARTS! to not KILL THEIR OWN KIND!!! its crazy but it is necesarry sometimes
Russia is like, doing its own thing, along with Iran making nukes and Iraq with all its terrorists..I wouldnt be surprised if there was a world war 3 in our lifetime.
heh, iraq might take over iran and steal the nukes then launch them at us (because noone likes us :P :P :P) then we retaliate the nwhats left of civilization will fight ground wars and if i live i will fight for anyone who gives me a m21/m14/m107
heh, iraq might take over iran and steal the nukes then launch them at us (because noone likes us :P :P :P) then we retaliate the nwhats left of civilization will fight ground wars and if i live i will fight for anyone who gives me a m21/m14/m107
...Wow. (and i dont mean the popular online RPG)
First off, if any conquesting would occur between iran and iraq, then Iran would take over Iraq. Its leader is more unstable, and Iraq is a struggling democracy. Usually democratically eleted leaders arent aggressive and looking for war. *glare at Hitler*
The fact taht you know a multiple number of guns isn't impressing anybody. Seriously.
Also i believe in the possibility of WW3, but as time goes on, the chance will become less and less likely. Iceland just joined the European Union, and the EU and US are like buddy-buddy. All NATO members are allied, and as the world is slowly turning mostly democratic and relief is sent to many struggling nations, the world will slowly achieve peace. But no matter what, as multiple wise man have said, as long as men exist there will be a way for them to kill each other.
War is inevitable, but full-scale war with the technology today would either be quick and painless, or long and devastating.
I personally think there will be a WW3 within the next 10-15 years. I predict China to be a part of the reason, Because lets face it, they have the population and technology to Destroy Canada or U.S.A.
sorry, didnt get to you...
China probably will be a part of it definitely, but the population of China has nothing to do with how well it will do against the USA. If we went to war with China, it would be over before it began. The ill-trained Red Army would fall to the superior weaponry and tactics of the USA. With our vast supplies of technologically superior nuclear weapons, (the best and largest collection ever) anyone who fucks with US (haha, puns) is going to find their ass with Uncle Sam's footprint on it.
There is going to be a big war and it is going to be Communism vs. Capitalism. Most countries in the world right now are one or the other. If you look at the Korean war and the Vietnam war you would see that one side was supported by China (communism) and the other by the US (capitalism). Both don't want the other to spread and wish the spread of itself. Soon their will be more vietnam and korean like wars until it leads to direct conflict when the world will be glassed.