I personally do think there will be. And as far as this "war on terrorism" goes it might lead to WW3. I want to know what you guys/girls know. And keep to the rules.
As Einstein once said when asked what WW3 would be fought with, "I do not know, but World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones." Based on this statement, Einstein believed a third world war would eventually happen and that it would be so devastating as to practically restart the human race.
probably.. there will probably be one because of tensions with everyone and the US.. when would be a better question.. although it may not because of the massive death count if it did.. but id say probably 75% chance
I still cant see it happening antime soon. The development of technology has reached the stage where NBC warfare(nuclear,biological,chemical) has become so advanced that if a world war broke out humanity would be completely destroyed. I would say it would be a 99.5% death rate if it did happen.
I don't think a world war takes place in just one day...That date is only when the Mayans predicted the apocalypse.
I have to go ahead and agree with everyone who says that it might not happen anytime soon, but it is almost guaranteed that it will happen sometime in the future.
December 21, 2012 was just a date when the last Mayan calendar-writer just decided to leave further calendar-writing to the next generation. He could have chosen any date. This guy just got tired of writing. On December 22, 2012, I'll probably be laughing at all the idiots that actually believed the apocalypse was coming because someone was too lazy to continue writing the calendar. It was the same with the Y2K fiasco. On January 2, 2000, I was just laughing at all the idiots who thought the world was coming to an end.
if terroist invade southern USA.....all there would be left on the beach would be beeer cans and shot gun shells....and a few blown up puck up trucks....i am hick so i making fun of my self....if you look st my profile....well..about ww3....one war will be the war to end all wars that will be 3...it will not be my humans but by aliens.....
Yawn enough with the 2012 junk, Zombies will arise that day, did you even know that they had another date after 2012? Here's a quote from Wikipedia "Maya stelae occasionally show dates beyond 2012. Most of these are in the form of "distance dates", where a Long Count date is given with a distance date to be added. For example, on the Tablet of Inscriptions from Palenque the following Long Count date was found: 8 Ahau 13 Pop (24 March 603 Gregorian) with a distance date of The resulting date is given as 5 Lamat 1 Mol,[10] or 21 October 4772 â" almost 3,000 years into the future. The king Pacal of Palenque predicted that on this date the eightieth Calendar Round anniversary of his accession will be celebrated, suggesting he did not believe the world would end in 2012.[11]" They only said it would bring great change not doom great change, that could be good or bad, maybe a country will be hit by an asteroid or something. And for WW3 there will be another one lets not hope there will be one in our lifetimes, Oil may be a factor but then again perhaps the next WW will be between worlds, Earth Vs. Moon.
Neough! Does that mean Australia has to follow suite and get involved..again? Anyway, I do think there will be a world war 3. But not anytime soon. Probably in a few decades time over the lack of resources. The oil one has already begun. It's in Iraq now, isn't it? It always changes. But seriously, you don't think American troops would be in Iraq if they were growing orange trees.