I personally do think there will be. And as far as this "war on terrorism" goes it might lead to WW3. I want to know what you guys/girls know. And keep to the rules.
well, if we don't pull a 180 on the talks with those middle east countries, nuclear war will be an extremely likely outcome in the next twenty years. more and more countries are starting nuclear development, completely ignoring the U.N., and north korea is still failing to comply with us. our only hope is if the U.N. grows some balls or we bomb the towelheads.
There has to be a WW3 from no matter what your stand point is. If you are Christian (like me) there will be one, and if you aren't then there is a lot of time to make the reason for one and a reason will happen some time or another.
Yeah but who is left to fight with us(we won russia france germany japan a lot more) i mean we are the brutes of war and i dont think ant one smart would even want to try(thats why we are winning against iraq)
First of we arn't fighting Iraq we are fighting terriorists. Secondly we can win wars well enough when we are supported by other countries but right now a lot of countries don't like us and we can't fight a war against the entire world.