I personally do think there will be. And as far as this "war on terrorism" goes it might lead to WW3. I want to know what you guys/girls know. And keep to the rules.
I think there will be a World War 3. With Bush leading us for another year, I think he'll do somthing stupid, prior bad acts, and everyone will be offended! Then the whole world will explode in a violent war!
Actually the US has never started a war. People start wars with us. and then the US goes over to their country to keep us out of harm and we kick the enemys a**!!! (i really dont like bush too much but i would rather have him than a girl or a towelhead.(my name for a muslim)(barrack obama) WILL KILL US ALL!!! And Hillary clinton wont do us any good either. but yua no WW3. the U.S. and its allies will win so dont even try.
I'm sure something will start, but the war on terror is nothing. Right now, the countries that are "In it" Are ..
America, America, America. The rest of the countrys have barely any soldiers out there, Britian is holding up in Afhganistan, but besides that theres nothing. The rest of the companies may just be throwing out a bit of dollars or giving "Political Support". Nothing large. Kind of like, in WW2 New Zealand declared war on the Axis Powers... It never did much. The worlds again, at a standstill, and when something cracks, were screwed. Nuclear Arsenal #'s are already rising.
I would really like to think that as a race we have learned from the past. But sadly we have proven time and time again that we like to shoot first and ask questions later.
Like RsC said, there will most likely be a WW3 when Darth Vader says: "Luke, I am Yo' father" I believe this will be set off when yoda sees a picture of George Busch from the past and believes that the picture is mooning him and declares war on the first Oligarchy of the Democracy of The intergalactic THING and yoda, Obi-Wan, Luke, and Princess Leia start shootin' up Daniel McNelly (By then, ArmorGames controls the world) and makes people like XCoheedX and LiL Gangsta Blaze start using their cmputer nerd powers, that they call, The Corse, and send the star wars troop to a Place called Planet and stay there for the rest of their lives. This takes over a time period of 1 day.
XCoheedX and LiL Gangsta Blaze start using their cmputer nerd powers
MAN!!! This is the third time I have seen you bashing me just because Im ahead of you on the NET :P I have lot's of free time, you don't but I find it sad that you can olny think of me all the time!
I'm not, just you and Coheed are on the leader board and I needed some examples. I don't know if you real have "computer nerd powers" I just was making a joke, gosh.