heres the only reason id be against it, misstrials, if someone is sent too it wrongly. but other than that id support it cause its the ultimate punishment for murder, im pretty sure after the chair the guy wont do it again .
Preferably...can someone give me arguments for the death penalty?
Uhm, let me see. The offender will be unable to ever commit a crime again. His offence was so bad that nothing but death will be good enough. -> The fear of when it will happen, a lot of angst, driving them crazy. The offender will preferably never see his family again, and in the time he is alive, he will most likely be horrified by this. (If loving family) Gang members will lose a member, or preferably a leader. -> Disruption in gang. ... That is what I can think up. Might help to actually be for it, I guess.
I think that the death penalty needs to be used more often. There are so many people sitting on crowded jails right now, with a life sentence or more. Why not just kill them instead? That way there will be more room in the jails and we won't have to release criminals back out into the public without them serving their full sentence.
Some inocent people could die, yes, but for a good cause.
I don't really understand what you mean.
I'm for the death penalty, but why does it take so long to actually kill the person. What good does thinking about what they have done matter, they still are gonna die. While they are sitting in death row "thinking about what they have done" they are wasting tax payers money. Don't mean to sound cruel, but if they are sentenced to death just bring them out behind the shed and end it.
In most cases death penalty is over used because some people might of been innocent. Plus, All life is sacred...even if you killed a killer that means your a killer. And that is a sin.
I actually created a thread about this a few weeks ago. But no matter.
I'm completely for it. It's completely underused in my opinion. If we just executed half the people in prison for life sentences or more, we would save billions.