ForumsWEPRshould the new health care pay for abortions?

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24 posts

obama wants to use our tax money to pay for abortions with the new health care bill, now for some people that would be ok with them. but for me i am Pro-life and i want to choise how my money is spent. what are your ideas?

p.s. this is not a forum to talk if abortion is bad or good just to see if it should be in the new health care

  • 94 Replies
670 posts

I was not saying that God wanted him to kill all of the people. Im just saying that god has a reason for everything and I dont know what the reason was for Hitler to be born but there was a reason

1,287 posts

I was not saying that God wanted him to kill all of the people. Im just saying that god has a reason for everything and I dont know what the reason was for Hitler to be born but there was a reason

Okay. So he was probably born for something else,like so he could popularize the "hitler-stache". Not to start a world war and massacre a group of people. I understand you perfectly.
670 posts

what ever this is really geting of topic now

1,251 posts

Okay. So he was probably born for something else,like so he could popularize the "hitler-stache

Omfg that made me laugh quite a bit irl lol.

what ever this is really geting of topic now

yes I agree, let's get this back on track shall we.
8,051 posts

@fetus arguers

i think you shouldn't kill something that has the potential of being a human. i also think that killing anything with potential is killing the result of potential. you can have a lazy man that never works, if you kill this man you are preventing him from doing work.

9,821 posts

But I see it in a different sense since the fetus will eventually detach itself from the mother.

But I think that until the fetus can survive detached from the mother, it is infringing on the mother's rights not to let her abort the fetus because the fetus is part of her until a certain point.
1,251 posts

But I think that until the fetus can survive detached from the mother, it is infringing on the mother's rights not to let her abort the fetus because the fetus is part of her until a certain point.


However the debate is if the new health care system should pay for abortions lol.
8,051 posts

i think you shouldn't kill something that has the potential of being a human. i also think that killing anything with potential is killing the result of potential. you can have a lazy man that never works, if you kill this man you are preventing him from doing work.

this also works with cancer&a lotta other things

ooh what now *moves head side to side*

i don't think this should be in bill because (for the most time) it is your choice to get pregnant. you can choose to get plastic surgery too.

1,455 posts

But I think that until the fetus can survive detached from the mother, it is infringing on the mother's rights not to let her abort the fetus because the fetus is part of her until a certain point.

I know, and we'll probably never agree on that point. Just when I see someone growing up, it makes me think about how the spot where they stand could be empty if their parents decided to abort them. It's more like my own morals, though, and even though you don't agree, hopefully you can at least understand.

Just so I can say something actually on-topic, I think abortion should only be covered in the bill if the mother has a medical reason for it, simply because it's a HEALTH CARE bill. Regardless of your standpoint on abortion, this is the only one that makes sense to fit into the bill.
325 posts

Look, ultimately this is going to be an is abortion okay topic, which it is already turning into because the question of whether the government should cover it is already answered.

All you have to do is ask what is the goal of government sponsored health care. The answer we have from the government right now is to provide health care that is comparable to current private health care to everyone. Then next question then is does current private health care cover abortions? The answer there is that the majority of insurance companies at least partially cover elective abortions, and almost all of them cover abortion in the case of medical endangerment, rape, and incest. To offer comparable health coverage to the masses then a public health care plan would have to cover all abortions for reasons such as rape/medical issues, and at least partially cover all elective abortions.

4,871 posts

I think abortion is wrong for the first place, but I'm not explosively pro-life. However I DARE him to use the healthcare money to pay for abortions there would be hell to pay.

24 posts

fetus = blob of cells that may develop into a human.

A fetus is not a child.
An embryo is not a child.
A zygote is not a child.

lol, prove that. all you know is what you hear, any science book will tell you human life starts at conseption. it does not matter what is it called when you kill somthing but it does matter if it is human. by the way, how would some one know if the "babies" feel pain or not? kick your dog, does it tell you it is in pain. according to the doctors that mean they feel no pain. or better yet find a baby kitten or dog, then cut them up see if they tell you to stop? "babies" can feel pain, but are unable to exprese it.

and next time you want to talk do some research.
325 posts

how would some one know if the "babies" feel pain or not?

The complete lack of a nervous system in most cases, and in a few cases the lack of a developed one may be a clue there. And generally speaking, even the partially developed nervous system in an embryo isn't functioning.
1,310 posts

Well, bringing things away from the "A foetus is a baby! abortions are immoral!" "Abortions are a woman's right!" Crap:

Many private insurance companies in the U.S.A. already cover abortion. The idea of the new health care is meant to provide a cheaper means of insurance for people who do not qualify through their job, or cannot afford to pay for it outright. For the government to be competitive in the market, it will have to provide the same goods/services as private companies, which would include coverage for abortion.

Some insurance companies are actually not allowed to provide coverage for abortion in certain states - it's illegal.

A primary complaint of this is that people don't want their tax dollars to fuel baby-killing and death; but keep in mind, your tax dollars kill a lot of people already, including women and children (defense budget anyone?).

Additionally with this being a government and not a private plan; religious overtones or undertones cannot be a determining factor in whether or not it is legislated from the 1st amendment to the constitution.

2,763 posts

lol, prove that

Actually that's easily proven by defining what a child is.

The complete lack of a nervous system in most cases, and in a few cases the lack of a developed one may be a clue there. And generally speaking, even the partially developed nervous system in an embryo isn't functioning.

I agree take into account that the brain has only minimally developed at that stage.

and next time you want to talk do some research.

That's funny since none of you argument is based on any research itself. So no other research is needed to refute any of your statements.

I think abortion is wrong for the first place, but I'm not explosively pro-life. However I DARE him to use the healthcare money to pay for abortions there would be hell to pay.

Your government does waste money on promoting other religions and funding wars.
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