ForumsWEPR[necro] Why you don't believe in God?

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Before you comment, please, read everything, I'm sure that after you read, your life will be changed.

In the following sentences I will explain how stupid is to not believe in God, and I'm gonna use logical thinking and science.

Either "Everything came from nothing", like the "big bang" , witch is impossible, because nothing can only make nothing, or "Something always existed and made everything" like God.

God made this world, by this world I mean time, space and matter, so if God made this world, He lives outside of time, space and matter which means He's eternal, omnipresent and all-powerful.

For those of you who say that the big bang made the universe, I have this sentence: Nothing is the cause of it's own existence.
This doesn't apply to God, because if He doesn't lives in time, He didn't had a beginning, He always existed.
If the universe always was then, we could not reach this moment in time, if something is trapped in time, that means it had a beginning.

Every change that happens everywhere in the universe it's more closer to destruction.
Second law of thermodynamics:
The energy available after a chemical reaction is less than that at the beginning of a reaction; energy conversions are not 100% efficient.
The disorder in the universe always increases.
With each change in form, some energy is degraded to a less useful form and given off into the surroundings, usually as low-quality heat.
The Second Law of Thermodynamics is commonly known as the Law of Increased Entropy. While quantity remains the same, the quality of matter/energy deteriorates gradually over time. How so? Usable energy is inevitably used for productivity, growth and repair. In the process, usable energy is converted into unusable energy. Thus, usable energy is irretrievably lost in the form of unusable energy.

If God didn't made life, then how did non-life, became life?
As I said, nothing is the cause of it's own existence, life comes from life, your parents were alive when they made you.

Did you knew that a 2x2 inch capacity full with someone's DNA can sustain 6000000000 times more information then a 140 GB hard drive?
I guess you didn't knew, did evolution made your DNA?
God made your DNA, of course!

What about the monkeys?
If we evolved from them, why they stayed as they are? they took a long coffee break, I guess.

What about the fossils?
The scientists say that it takes millions and billions and zilions of years for living tissue to become a fossil, well here's 2 pictures with a cawboy's leg fossilized, enjoy

After all I have showed you, now I'm gonna say that you should accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, because He died for our sins and He didn't ask something from us, just to love our brothers and sisters and to believe in Him.
Anyone can ask for forgiveness as long as he or she is not dead, no matter what they did God can forgive them, if they repent from theirs sins and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
God is mercyful and just, His justice is not denyed by His mercy and this is the reason why God sent His Son Jesus to pay the price for us.

John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life."

  • 881 Replies
9,462 posts
Farmer â¦

read this

I can only guess the estimate is based on outdated information or he was just wrong. the cosmic microwave background radiation is only about 13.7 billion years old. This is a form of electromagnetic radiation. light is also a form of electromagnetic radiation. So if this background radiation is the oldest at 13.7 billion years you can't possibly have a visible star at 15+ billion light years away.

"The most precise measurement of the age of the Universe so far, pegged at around 13.7 billion years, was made by NASAâs Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP). Anisotropy pertains to the uneven distribution of cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation, the oldest electromagnetic waves in the Universe. With WMAP, NASA has been able to generate a full-sky map of CMB radiation and, subsequently, that said estimate."
38 posts

yea the article is like 30 years old.

9,821 posts

The Universe is 13.73 +/- 1.12 billion years old. So the oldest possible light would be 14.85 billion years old, as far as we know.

9,462 posts

The Universe is 13.73 +/- 1.12 billion years old. So the oldest possible light would be 14.85 billion years old, as far as we know.

How are you getting light older than the universe?
9,821 posts

How are you getting light older than the universe?

Plus or minus. It denotes a range of possible ages
9,821 posts

Wait, it's 0.12, not 1.12. So 13.85, I guess.

9,462 posts
196 posts

Magic poof is magic poof. Anyway where are you getting this from? Lets start with Gen 1:1

So, MageGrayWolf, where do you think matter came from? I bet our answers are amazingly similar. There was a singularity that always existed before and suddenly, Poof! Matter expands and is pushed away from the blast.
248 posts

The Big Bang didn't make the world, that came about later as result of gravitational forces.

Oh, I didn't actually know that.

So what does the Big Bang theory say about whoever made the world.
492 posts

So what does the Big Bang theory say about whoever made the world.

It says that there was no creator. The universe pretty much created itself.
9,462 posts

So what does the Big Bang theory say about whoever made the world.

It doesn't say anything. It doesn't cover planetary formation. As I already stated we can explain how the world being "made" as a result of gravitation forces. No who required. (accept for maybe Doctor Who)

It says that there was no creator. The universe pretty much created itself.

It doesn't say anything about any creator. Though there are scientist based on the evidence at hand that say god was not needed.
196 posts

It doesn't say anything. It doesn't cover planetary formation. As I already stated we can explain how the world being "made" as a result of gravitation forces. No who required. (accept for maybe Doctor Who)

And where did the Asteroids and dust that made the earth came from?
Where did the Sun come from?
Where did that Molecular could of gas come from?
Where did the Milky Way come from?
Where did Matter come from?
Where did the energy which makes up matter come from?
Where did the singularity come from?
5,129 posts

And where did the Asteroids and dust that made the earth came from?
Where did the Sun come from?
Where did that Molecular could of gas come from?
Where did the Milky Way come from?
Where did Matter come from?
Where did the energy which makes up matter come from?
Where did the singularity come from?

does it matter? you believe in things that can not proof itself.
why must we proof this all to you? you will not believe proof anyway.
9,462 posts

And where did the Asteroids and dust that made the earth came from?

The dust is the remnants of earlier stars that went supernova. Asteroids would be the result of clumping together of such dust.

Where did the Sun come from?

Again this dust gathers to the point where nuclear fission occurs.

Where did that Molecular could of gas come from?

This seems a bit like the same question as the first one about the dust.

Where did the Milky Way come from?

In part this is the same way a solar system forms. However it's believed density variations in the universe and dark matter also play important roles in there formation. With dark matter acting much like a "galactic glue" holding the galaxies together.

Where did Matter come from?

Energy that has changed it's state. This happened as the universe cooled after the Big Bang. The end result was the elements hydrogen and helium. These elements were then capable of forming proto-stars that eventually went supernova, allowing for the more complex elements to form that we see today.

Where did the energy which makes up matter come from?
Where did the singularity come from?

Given the question on energy it seems you already knew the answer for where matter came from. Since the singularity is basically made up of this energy this goes hand-in-hand. The answer is we don't know. There are sever theories coming out of M-theory of membranes colliding creating a singularity on one. I really can't give you an answer further then that though as it's beyond my knowledge. It's even possible it was always here given the properties of matter/energy not being able to be created or destroyed, simply changed. With the singularity we are also dealing with a point where time is treated as 0, essentially no time existing. Which even if we didn't have the properties of matter/energy mentioned would still allow for it to always be there.
257 posts


Think of this, something cannot cause itself, there must be an uncaused first mover to put the universe in motion.

The big bang cannot have been the first mover, for the first mover necessarily is perfect in all ways: intelligence, love, goodness,beauty, all-powerful, etc.
For the source of motion is the source of all that are in motion, thus, it cannot produce what it does not have.

Thus, God exists.

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