Yes, that's the argument many hardcore republicans are making >.>
Apparently the republican party cares more about making sure they can beat Obama in the 2012 election than actually giving people what they need... a new health care system. Examples?
1.) Scaring and using propaganda on the elderly. They are telling them that Obama's new health care system for some reason won't cover them... Where did they get this? In the bill it says that elderly will have the CHOICE to make their will and have it covered by health care... and will be able to CHOOSE if they get to the point where they are being supported by a machine to have the plug pulled or not...
2.) Using one of the Politician's favorite weapons... name calling. Yes they are calling Obama a socialist and scaring the crap out of everyone... of course they are only scaring the moderates and right wingers, but still with lies. Most left wingers realize that socialized health care isn't bad. However by saying that socialized medicine and health care will be forced on you is just a BIG FAT LIE. Which is what most of the republican party is, big fat liars. However I'm not saying they all are... take Sarah Palin she's a Hot Skinny Liar xD
So yeah what do you think of this? Republicans using lies and propaganda to try and secure an election in 2012 instead of trying to work together and give America what they need? Good or Bad? I'm pretty sure it's obvious
Hmph. Lying? Wow. That's going extreme. You think left wingnuts tell the truth? Think again.
Socialized Health Care is a bad idea, and I'll say it once I'll say it again. IT COSTS TOO MUCH FREAKING MONEY! Where the hell are we going to come up with 1.5 TRILLION a year? Tell me that.
Also, regarding old people-- Graham hit it on the nose. The government says if you're healthy enough.
Apparently the republican party cares more about making sure they can beat Obama in the 2012 election
Of course they care more about that. Political parties aren't supposed to help people, are they?! O.O
Yes they are calling Obama a socialist and scaring the crap out of everyone
Ooohh no! Socialism!
of course they are only scaring the moderates and right wingers
Which is just about everyone in the U.S. U.S. Democrats are moderate right when you compare them to the rest of the world.
So yeah what do you think of this? Republicans using lies and propaganda to try and secure an election in 2012 instead of trying to work together and give America what they need? Good or Bad? I'm pretty sure it's obvious
I think it's normal. Political parties now days don't care about us, they just want to win so that what they say goes. Expect them to be throwing "If you elect _____ the world will end!" around in 2012.
*regarding old people* it basically says they're going to check up on you and decide whether you're healthy enough
1) I can't take the excerpt in proper context because it is one paragraph, or part of one, from a 1000 page proposal.
2) Someone decides who needs an organ transplant more, this is similair.
Where the hell are we going to come up with 1.5 TRILLION a year? Tell me that
1) Where does the number 1.5 trillion come from?
2) That is roughly $4000 a year per person. But considering taxes are based on income and expenses, it will be a lot more for the rich and a lot less for the poor.
think it's normal. Political parties now days don't care about us, they just want to win so that what they say goes. Expect them to be throwing "If you elect _____ the world will end!" around in 2012.
"We have scientists on the verge of figuring out how to continue the Mayan calendar! But the Democrats don't want to fund them!"
Using your average of $4,000 (Average to Below Average care), we get this equation. 307,136,000 (US Estimate for 2009) x $4,000 = $1,228,544,000,000 How are we going to come up with 1.228544 TRILLION dollars?
I'm sorry I didn't explain properly. I took your 1.5 trillion and divided it by what I thought was the population of the United States, 350 million. So with the population 307,136,000 it works out to $4800 a year per person. This is all based on YOUR 1.5 trillion. So where did you get it?
And like I said. It's called taxes. Americans need to learn the meaning of the word. And $4800 a year doesn't sound that bad to me when you consider that the rich will pay much more than that and the poor much less. And Canadians pay $5100 a year. So you are going to have a less expensive health care system than us.