I think that george Bush could possible be the worst president that we have ever had, we are trillions of dollars in debt and we are in a war that appears to have no ending, please tell me what you think.
Saying stuff isn't proof. I can say anything I want and that doesn't make it true. Cite some fucking sources (that I can actually READ) or quit spreading propaganda.
ok, ive been trying not to sink to your level.. but here i am now. UR A RETARD. I dont even need proof when all you have to do is look around you at the rising gas prices and know what bush is doing to our country. I said it before and ill say it again, bush hes put us in a huge freaking hole, and i gotta say, i cant wait till hes out of here and our next president pulls us out
Did you not read the part about DIRECTLY COPYING AND PASTING? You only proved my point there. This was my first attack on this thread of idiocy. You moron, either give some proof like I did or take your lies elsewhere. You have nothing to back up any of your claims.
Copying and pasting doesnt really prove or disprove anything. You want some proof? I just googled "Bush hurt America" and got... well, of course a ton, but thats not really legitimate. But there are some excerpts from CNN, as well as other websites that will give you some information. Also, anothre hint at argument is to not attack the arguer but rather their argument. Attacking the person with loaded words really hurts your own argument.
watch cnn for like 2 days hell do something and itll be on their. Cnn has done numerous reports to back up all my points so i really dont care if you want to beilive it or not. I know im right so quess what thats all that matters to me
Um....... I think you should already know that!!! Its plainly clear that George Bush is a great President and im a Republican so GO REPUBLICANS!!!!! YAH
exactly cnn can back up everything were saying. If u want us to consider what ur saying dragon is right try stating ur point without calling everyone dumb. Like she said all it does is make our argument stronger
I think in a discussion or argument, sources certainly give what you write some value, but the value is only as good as the source. So if you were to use a less than reputable site for quotes and reports, then whatever quotes/facts you take are subject to intense skepticism.
With that in mind, I think only a HANDFUL of websites should be trusted as non-biased, and whatever "Lying liberal media" there may be, CNN is in fact a pretty neutral reporting source. Wiki, although great for a basic understanding of events/people/etc, isn't meant for much more than that.
Yeah, but all I really used Wiki for is info about the acts Bush passed - it's pretty objective on those, at least. The rest of the sources were outside - and still, most reported objective facts rather than saying Bush was good or bad.
Yes, CNN is pretty impartial with their news, but you can't simply say "Google it". That's just plain lazy. Either be prepared with the facts and your sources, or don't bother.
i will bother, i want to bother. just coz i dont feel its worth proving myself to you doesnt mean im lazy. I just have other things to do than look for sources.
No, you haven't insulted anyone, except the BLATANT ATTACKS on Bush that you've made. But don't feel compelled to think you're on some moral high ground.