I think that george Bush could possible be the worst president that we have ever had, we are trillions of dollars in debt and we are in a war that appears to have no ending, please tell me what you think.
I think he's not that bad....people just blame there problems on him. Superstickfigure, your dad knew the risks and what would happen of he joined the Army. C'mon Saddam Insane was massacring people over there. Give him a break.
i like him better than the current candidates at least Bush follows his word and this affects me a lot because i'm planning on enlisting next year and i don't want a coward who thinks that a 100% withdraw in 5 years will work Clinton's = corrupt Obama = condridicts himself
There's better Presidents, however George W. Bush is pretty weak powered in some terms. Although I hear some of his decisions were unsavory, if you know what I mean. I have no stand-in point for who'll be the next president, so that'll be for other people to decide on.
i also think that Bush is the worst president that we have ever had. he has gotton us into a war that can't be won, put us into so much debt that it's not even funny,and just totally ruined the U.S. in very little time at all. and now how much more money it's going to take us to fix his stupid "mistakes" and who knows how many years it's going to take to do that...
The debt is caused by us giving money to freeloaders who aren't using it to get back on their feet...just basking in the benefits.
Also, Bush had to face some tough decisions. I can't imagine a way to handle the things that happened better, or a lot better.
Sure he's a little...slow...but give him a break. He's kept his cool despite ALL OF TELEVISION making fun of him, and we haven't been attacked since 9/11. This war is helping others, and, like flashgamer223 said, the people at war signed up for the army/navy, and I'm pretty sure they knew that war was a part of military.
Besides, what was he supposed to do, rather than go to war just sit around and wait for the enemy to attack us first? I don't like the sound of that, and I don't think any of you do either.
He plunged our country into a five year war, uncalled for, with Iraq. He damaged already failing relations with Iran. He prioritizes badly...useless war first? Or public school systems? Our country lost the gigantic surplus brought about by Clinton and is now the worst it's been fiscally in seventy years.
Vote for Obama in November (if you can vote-I can't)
he is a horrible president. look at the economy, look at the perception of the US from other countries (in an increasingly smaller and smaller world this is a disaster), the corruption of so many of his cabinent memeber (why do you think the Bush administration has had to claim "executive privilage" so many times when people were being questioned for illegal activities. Our society has progressivly gone down hill since the 1950's. The current form of government is NOT working. Some drastic changes must take place.
Be a free thinker. Don't take things at face value people lie and have reasons to lie. Do your own research and form your own opinions. Don't take what your parents say at face value, or your schools, or churches, or anyone else. Do your own thinking, PLEASE!
Also, think of all the money we've spent on the war, okay. Now, think of the fact that Republicans always say they're going to lessen taxes, still with me? Now, if Republicans spend so much money on the war and lessen taxes then where are we going to get the money to run our country. Look up the word deficit, kiddies.
Let me put it this way. You have 100 dollars in your piggy bank and you get 10 dollars a month from your mom. You spend 60 of it on a new Xbox 360 game, leaving you 40 dollars. Then you hear your mom is going to stop giving you money and you have no other wya to get money and you really want a new video game but it costs 60 dollars and all you have is 40... That is where our country will be VERY soon.