I think that george Bush could possible be the worst president that we have ever had, we are trillions of dollars in debt and we are in a war that appears to have no ending, please tell me what you think.
I think that George Bush was much better than the other candidates by a long shot. The war was necessary and it's necessary to stay. Also, I don't know what you've got against NAFTA anyways. It's crated thousands of American jobs, especially in the automobile industry, and brought money to American corporations.
His first term policies weren't exactly the best, but Georgie managed to make a slight turn-around. I have to say that he hasn't exactly done what he promised as far as the "stronger dollar" goes, and that he's not the brightest person on the planet...You have to remember that this is the man who hadn't heard about $4 gasoline when asked about it, and, at some international affair (I don't remember the details,) addressed an Eastern European leader with, "¡Hola! ¿Cómo estás?"
Anyways, I definitely think that he needs to go. I won't argue whether or not the other candidates he faced (Gore, Kerry) were better, due to the fact that I wasn't exactly paying attention to the elections at the time they were going on.
Bush was actually pretty good until his second term in office. He was like a currupt Roman; putting people who would agree with him instead of people who know what they're doing.