I think that george Bush could possible be the worst president that we have ever had, we are trillions of dollars in debt and we are in a war that appears to have no ending, please tell me what you think.
I utterly hate George Bush. He caused a war in Iraq based on intelligence that many of his advisers said was faulty, he starting bringing the national debt up after it was going down for the decade before he came into office, and he even allowed the government to "spy" (look at all of the private things they receive, like emails, chat logs, mail, etc) on people who were thought to be in connection with terrorists or a terrorist themselves (for those of you who say this was a good thing, the government a. never found anyone this way, and b. the government went through people's private chats who had literally nothing to do with terrorism). I'll admit Kerry and Gore were not the best candidates either, but there is no doubt in my mind that they would have done a better job than Bush did.
sooper1234, great post, I completely agree with u I liked your words about Iraq most. You are from USA, right? I'm glad to see there are such people in America...
He had no control over anything during his last two years which is when everything started going down hill...most of what you said wasn't his fault alone, also i like how the media blames him for high gas prices but now that it's down, shouldn't we like him?
Clinton handed this country over to Bush in a pretty good condition. Now look at the mess Bush has made. Were about $700 trillion dollars in debt, we have a war going on (with no end in sight atm), the economy sucks, oil prices are through the roof, and the dollar is losing value every day. Personally, I, would want to throw my shoe at him (yes that Iraqi that threw the shoe at him is awesome). So to make a long story short, i think he SUCKS.
lol i love how they have starred out d.ick cheney.
Bush has been a below average candidate no doubt about it. I would like to see Americans take some responsibility for this. So many people on these forums love to bash bush and yet clearly the majority of americans actually voted him in. What i would like to know is where are these phantom voters?
These "Phantom voters" (Technically 50-49% of America) have realized the idiocracy they made.
They were thinking on tactics on if switching pres's in a war was smart, and if switching presidents would crumble the economy because a new, pretty face in office might need a little time to adjust to an ugly face in the economy.
Also, The people of America are getting stupider. Its a fact. The Government is banning this and making schools different for a reason, we have a lack of motivation.
And Hey, when you see a Texan who's dad is a rich oil-man, you can't help but think he'll be a good president.
... And this is what we have here, an overpowered Vice President, Phantom Voters that attack elections, and a country in turmoil.
PS: Again, George W. Bush, I don't hate you virtually, so the George on this account doesn't have be hated =P
Let me remind you of how our great nation was founded.
After having deep cuts all over him from his battle against the scientists of Hell, Jesus wrote the constitution with his blood, sending every homosexual to jail!