Hey all you science and church fanatics/followers, whichever category you may fall into. What do you think, evolution, or creationism? Evolutionists put their belief in the theory of evolution, which is taught in many schools. Creationists believe in the idea that some higher power created Earth and the rest of the universe. Perosonally, I am an evolutionist. Do you agree with me, or disagree and why?
Evolutionists put their belief in the theory of evolution,
In the world of science theory and law have the same meaning. if there is enough legitimate evidence saying it's incorrect it will be changed. so far evolution is the best theory so far and is the most plausible.
I'm pretty sure this is a repeat thread but I'm too lazy to go back some 15 pages to find it.
Well... I like to take theory meaning it is an idea, but it's not set in stone. That is the way I look on a theory. And maybe it is a repeat thread, I don't know, and I don't care.
Well... I like to take theory meaning it is an idea, but it's not set in stone. That is the way I look on a theory.
Then the scientific term you're looking for is 'hypothesis'. That's what a scientist will use as a term for an unproven 'thought'. Theory is very different.
You're right - if something or someone comes along and finds something that better explains the development of life on the planet, evolution will be replaced or modified to suit the new knowledge, but at this point it's the best answer we have, and beyond that, entirely plausible given the available facts.
I go with evolution. There's evidence for it, whereas we don't have tangible evidence for Creationism.
I have never spoken with or listened to a single scientist in the field of biology who didn't believe in evolution, regardless of their religious or spiritual beliefs (or lack of them)
Many mindsets fall under creationism. My best friend is a conservative Christian with a Ph. D. in astrophysics. He believes that God created the universe as we know it, including the process of evolution. It is, in his mind, yet another way the universe is designed to function, much like gravity or any other functional aspect of our universe.
He reviles Christians who don't believe in evolution - especially the "young earth" camp. He believes, very rightly in my opinion, that they do immense harm to the credibility of Christianity.
Well... I like to take theory meaning it is an idea, but it's not set in stone. That is the way I look on a theory. And maybe it is a repeat thread, I don't know, and I don't care.
And is creationsims set on proofs? Isn't it an idea of life? I won't start a debate, but you should be less biaised when you create a topic... Anyway, I believe in evolution, for obvious reasons of credibility, science and personnale way of thought...
I think the answer of humans will depend of were they were raised...Like in US 61% of the people don't believe in evolution, and 7% of people in Finland Don't believe in evolution.
As for me, i think creationism is a barbarian way of thinking, and i think the human brain should start evolve, and be smarter to believe in more complex ideas.
As for me, i think creationism is a barbarian way of thinking, and i think the human brain should start evolve, and be smarter to believe in more complex ideas.
In my opinion, Creationism is more complex and that Evolution is just a way for people to theorise about the things that science can't properly understand.
Evolution is a theory which is no less plausible than Creationism. Even Darwin himself said that there were problems with Evolution.
The one thing that I hate is people that are so anti-religion that they believe anything that will oppose religion.
Even if you don't believe in God, many scientists are now finding that Evolution does not answer all questions and that more and more problems point towards an intelligent creator. Maybe this isn't God...but something else *imagines giant jellyfish*...
I think the answer of humans will depend of were they were raised...Like in US 61% of the people don't believe in evolution, and 7% of people in Finland Don't believe in evolution.
And 74% of all statistics were made up on the spot.
In the world of science theory and law have the same meaning.
No, they don't. Everything is theory and nothing is law. It is only a theory that we exist and that will remain the most plausible theory until something else can be proven more likely - Like the fact that we are a 3D reflection of light from the big bang...or something along those lines.
Nothing is law in science. Not even the common Laws, like the three of Motion etc.
Even if you don't believe in God, many scientists are now finding that Evolution does not answer all questions and that more and more problems point towards an intelligent creator. Maybe this isn't God...but something else *imagines giant jellyfish*...
Of course Creationism doesn't give all hte answers... It's a too huge subject to be solved in on single theory... But it gives the key to understand most of it, even if theirs' some mystakes... Creationism is a christian theory, who says that earth has been created like 6000 years ago, and that human lived with dinosaurus... Man, we know for sure (and there's no proof against it) that man has begin agriculture in three points of the planet, almost 8000 years ago, in Mesopotamia, near Pakistan, and in New Guinea...Then it came, around 2000 years later, to North and South America, China and India...
There are just too many evidences about evolution, even if it doesn't explain everything,to seriously believe that God created man according to his own image...
There are just too many evidences about evolution, even if it doesn't explain everything,to seriously believe that God created man according to his own image...
The problem is, people look only at the positive evidence of Evolution and then only at the Negative evidence of Creationism.
Of course Creationism doesn't give all the answers...
Neither does Evolutionism. And that is what I hate. When people believe that Evolution has the answer for everything. I don't believe that Creationism is the be all and end all, but I believe in an Intelligent Creator.
Tomorrow, I will post examples of reason why scientists are now looking towards the idea of an intelligent creator.
1) Creation theories are ad hoc. Especially those which have developed in the modern era, which are nothing more than ad hoc responses to scientific theories.
2) It has no real explanatory value. It comes down to "because god says so" which not only doesn't help our epistemic position, but it leads to a specific kind of swamping problem.
3) Creation theories tend to try to deconstruct scientific data, like carbon and radiometric dating. But they do so in fundamentally fallacious ways. Scientists already spend their time trying to disprove theories. It's not up to some random creationist to do scientific work. They don't have the training or the understanding.
Nothing is law in science. Not even the common Laws, like the three of Motion etc.
Statements like this are precisely why those who are not scientists really have no business criticizing scientific techniques or data. There clearly are laws of science as it is defined, including Newton's three laws of motion. There is also a distinct difference between a theory and a law. So please, just take the 10 seconds needed to verify statements like this before trying to play them off as actual information.
Creation theories tend to try to deconstruct scientific data, like carbon and radiometric dating. But they do so in fundamentally fallacious ways. Scientists already spend their time trying to disprove theories. It's not up to some random creationist to do scientific work. They don't have the training or the understanding.
But comrade Moderator, surely any scientist who forms a theory, for example saying that "the Big Bang was something that started the Universe! The reasons are ___, ___and of course____..." could always be vaguely questioned by a random passerby who strongly advocates creationism. For instance, remarks such as "Well, God must have started the Big Bang, and God is also responsable for all of those reasons!" seem to work since scientists can't seem prove there is no god. I for one agree that creationists do tend to stick their heads into matters they have no educational background in but I stress they can do it in such a vague manner that it's really hard or almost impossible to prove that what they're saying is a fallacy.