This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
I really don't see why the Wii is even part of this thread. It clearly can't compete with the Ps3 and Xbox 360. And one more thing, the Xbox and Ps3 arent that diffrent, they both have a great game selection and awesome graphics, so why complain?
Wii has more games for younger kids, not that many games for older kids. The Xbox costs money to play online, other than that it has some nice games. The PS3 offers free online play with some totally awesome games. Ever played Killzone 2 on the PS3? If you have you know that the PS3 can offer some very good graphics. Also, the PSP can connect with the PS3 and be controlled from the PS3. It also offers motion sensers, in the paddles. It's very similar to the Wii's motion sensors. The PS3 motion sensors can be used on games such as: Transformers, Transformers 2, Motorstorm, Motorstorm 2, and many more. I don't know if the Wii or Xbox offers this, but there are games out there that offer trophy collections. I only know of Worms and Motorstorm 2 that offer this. So, the PS3 is the best. STICK THAT IN YOUR PIE HOLES!!!
Ps3:Ah the godfather of the video games,this has of course a blu ray player,blu ray games and smaller discs and cases,but the most fame bringer is th graphics,but they get game add ons months after xbox and is not fun to play with freinds, and the players are rude and crude, but funny as hell
They are rude because it's free and so they can just make another account if they are banned
I would have to say Wii because it is the only one that I have. It has all around fun game play and some Nintendo exclusives I am a sucker for(Zelda, Mario Kart). I would have to say that 360 comes in second for the Microsoft exclusives and PS3 in last because I have never played one. I would enjoy having all three because they all have their strengths and weaknesses.
i used to think ps3 was realy crud, and it was, but after the guy who made it crud got fired its actually going pretty good
Wii i have NEVER played, i dunno if its good or not i dont realy hear many people debating thatt Wii is better than 360.
360 used to be my fav, i dont have one but my friend does and we used to play it all the time, right now i like ps3 with Cod4 and i am buying a ps3 soon, i also thing Cod5 is coming out?