This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
The Playstation has always made great games, so I don't see why anyone would not like the PS3. It has the best graphics on the market and a suitable motion control add-on.
I think each has its place, Xbox360 has the mature games covered, Wii has relaxing games though some can get pretty intense, and PS3 is there for when you need to watch a blu-ray movie
PS3 has mature games. Great exclusive shooters and non-shooter games. The blu-ray is good for movies - also better graphics on the video games.
Gun games on wii suck..
Because it requires you to actually aim? I like how when playing shooters on the Wii I have to aim.
i dont own a PS3, but i use one frequently as well as xbox360 and wii. my vote would have to go to playstation. although it has slow downloads, and a **** load installs, its wifi that aint crap, fun interface, and great catolague of games brings me back. they dont rely solely on gimicks like the recent kinect and the wii banter. i just am a sony fan and always will be, even if i cant afford one, lol!
I like the PS3 for free online, more features, cool game add-ons, and extras only on PSN(Playstation Network). Xbox360 is good but you have to pay for online. Wii in my opinion isn't good because of bad graphics and you have to constantly adjust the sensor so I vote PS3.
Ok wii has more exclusives,X-box has massive online community and ps3 has a friendly community as well as free online.
i choose ps3 and im not being bi-est my friend comes to my house allot and i go to his and overall we own all three. 1st PS3, 2nd wii, 3rd x-box. wii comes close to 1st but now move came out pointless buying one except exclusive game.
im not slagging the x-box off, ok i am. but the kinec is a pile of nerd tech that when i played on is really insensitive and i got sick of it within a minute. The move is the same thing just a pile of nerd tech if i want to play tennis i will go outside and play it, wii is different though it doesn't just have sport games it has minigames, mario, brawl and many other classic games. over all PC best and i dont even have a proper gaming PC.
If you are a young kid and cant play M rated games and Love sports, Wii
PS3 and xBox 360 are basically just as good, but ill have to go with a PS3 for two reasons: Better grafics, and you dont have ato pay every year for the internet.
But if you are stuck between the PS3 and xBox and dont care about the yearly LIVE fee, then just go with whatever your friends have so you can play together.
You can't really put the champion title on any of these consoles, because each one has a specialty for different gameplay. The Wii for instance focus's on the family and having fun (recreation). Where as the PS3 and Xbox 360 are more multiplayer based. Even though Ps3 internet is free, you get more of a multiplayer experience from the Xbox 360. But, the Ps3 is more of a single player console. The population of multiplaying gamers on the Xbox is more than the population of the ps3. But if I'd have to choose, it would be the Gamecube all the way forget about the Wii or the Xbox or the PS3, it's time to go back to the roots! :3
i say the wii coz im a nintendo fan and love the vertual console and being able to download some of the best games of all time like super mario 64,star fox 64,super metroid,the legend of zelda and bomberman