This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
I love the xbox360. It has great games and amazing xbox live. The Wii is a more family like console (don't get me wrong you could still have fun..) The Ps3 in my opinion can't live up to the xbox.
Seriously, PS3 is by far the better console. Online is free (unlike xBox), it doesn't crash after extended gameplay (like the xBox) and unlike the xBox, the Wii and PS3 both have hardware that keeps your disc in place so that if the console is bumped the disc doesn't get scratched. Also, being a BlueRay player, and that PS3 games are now all formatted in BlueRay means that the data storage on the disc is vastly increased which decreases the data stored locally and reduces load times and increases the content available on each disc.
Wii can be good but they lack easy controls.An xbox 360 is way different from a playstation 3 as i was playing cod and i was throwing grenades instead of shootin
Does thou have reasons? It's spam if you don't have any reasons to go with that. Just because it's longer than seven words doesn't mean it isn't spam.
If you can't think of any reasons then don't post. Also it's very easy. Read a few pages back for the better discussions that went on.
Example of something constructive: I like the PS3 because of the blu-ray with the better graphics, controllers are nice because you don't need to buy the batteries constantly. The online is free.
I like the Wii because of how great it is as a family console. I dislike the Wii because of the mediocre graphics. Still a great console though and very fun to play with family/friends.
I enjoy playing on the Xbox360 because of the superb online gameplay and also the controllers are larger and are more comfortable for my hands. Having to pay for online is no big deal at all. I'm sure anyone can gather five dollars for a month.
Of those three, PS3, becuase it can do whatever the other systems can do and better, the XBOX should never have been made because it is infested by little 10 year old kids, and the PARTS MELT INSIDE IT, breaking it withing 2 years.