This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
Lucky for me, I have all three of them. But, I just got the PS3, and it has blu-ray and great exclusives. But, don't count on the multiplayer too much.
The 360 and ps3 are great gaming systems, but don't get me wrong, i like the Wii the most. The other systems have better graphics, but the Wii has motion gaming. The others have motion gaming too, but are not comprehensive at all. The motion games for 360 and ps3 suck, I'm sorry. When you play cod on the Wii it actually feels like your in the game. And plus, the Wii has free wifi. And the Wii is the best for families, even though I'm 13 and the youngest in my family.
it really does depend doesn't it?, i mean the wii is pretty much perfect for the littlies, they have a blast playing mario and stuff, the xbox is more of a teen thing, and the playstation (my personal fav) is more for the older community. Capisce?
Some are actually pretty good. You just need to find the good ones out of the pile of bad ones.
Wii has free wifi.
They all do.
the xbox is more of a teen thing, and the playstation (my personal fav) is more for the older community.
I think they are both pretty well compared to each-other. Only thing is. . that the PS3 has more features and most things on the PS3 are better like the graphics, failure rate, features and some things are good on the Xbox 360 like the controller size, and online gameplay.
i mean the wii is pretty much perfect for the littlies
It is great for the younger kids. But there are many mature games on there and it's all around fun for the whole family. Where as the PS3 and Xbox 360 are more along the lines of individual consoles.
I have the 360, i don't hate it, i just wish i had bluray, free wi-fi adapter, free online play hdmi cable that came with it.
PS3 has more features. X360 used to have a better game selection, but that was mainly cuz x360 was out earlier than ps3. i chose x360 because of exclusive games, (which came to ps3 a few months later anyways.) i somewhat regret my decision, but x360 does have a better controller (better triggers and placement of joysticks. even though i had the epic ps2 and was used to ps1 and ps2 controllers)
wii is terrific for parties and local multiplayer. it's a little awkward for single-player or non-social-gaming situations..
i will buy the next-gen sony over the next-gen microsoft, but only because i think the grass might be greener on the other side. and definitely sticking with whatever has blu-ray, as i'm a fan of movies (and extra features on movie discs)
i have the PS3, and XBOX 360... i had the ps3 since it came out.. still NO probelms, got my xbox and 1 month after, BOOM RROD, send it back for my free fix, comes back WATER damaged..... BUUUT i think we all know PC gaming destroyes both if u have a good computer
I've played all three consoles, and I will be fair; the 360 is probably the best. Most of the gamers and the best gamers play on it, and it has many good exclusives. The reason I play on PS3 is mainly because it's free, which is the only way I will play online, and that it has its good exclusives too(inFamous, Killzone, LBP, and so on). And about the Wii, it's a family console, not a gamer console.
I enjoy the wii for two reasons, one, the fighting games (tatsunoko vs. capcom and ssb brawl) and 2, because 80% of the online community is noob, making easier kills for the other %20, however, %90 of the games are suckish. xbox 360 is great too, all of my friends have one, which means i can borrow games as i please, also, the wide veriety of games makes it easy to find a decent $10 title. the downfall of the xbox is where you have to pay to play online. not happening. and who in here hasn't had the red ring of death or knows of someone who has? so, the ps3 is the best system for three reasons, one, some of the best games on the market, two, free internet access without stupid friend codes or subscription fees. and third, blue ray. not only for movies but also for the games themselves, meaning that they can put more game on one disc than the other two systems combined.
the xbox 360 in my opinion is better. First off, the xbox live is great. you have tons of features and overall i like it better. the new kinect is good,too and a lot of xbox games are also fun. the ps3 cant really stand up to the xbox in terms of features