This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
I say Xbox 360. I have always been a Nintendo fan and I hardly ever played Xbox or PS2. But once I got an Xbox 360 and Xbox Live I hardly ever went back to Nintendo. Nintendo still made some of my all-time favourite video game characters that I will never truly forget. But now that the Kinect is out, the Wii just doesn't have any big advantages. The PS3's only advantage is that it has slightly better graphics, which isn't as important as everyone says.
They're both pretty much the same in graphics and gameplay so that is out of the question. What matters is price for features, and PS3 wins. Plus, Sony works really hard to keep COD hacker free. They are suing Geohot for jailbreaking it.
i say xbox 360 because ive played the wii, it is true the wii has some good games but face it once you play one game on the wii they are all the same. I cant say anything bad about ps3 because i dont have one. But i think the xbox is good, because it has good graphics and a wide variety of games
Okay, let me try to settle this once and for all. *takes deep breath* I think it's all about personal preference. The Xbox is more secure since you have to pay for it, as in, less broken games like Cod4 and mw2 are on the ps3. If you get Xbox Live, since you have to pay, people kinda make it their goal to be good at xbox. But hey, the Ps3 is free. So if that's enough for you, go ahead. I'm not stopping you from buying either. Oh, and the Wii. The Wii, well, it's kinda the reject out of the 3 consoles. The graphics aren't as good and there arent as many good games in my opinion. But, again, if you want to buy any of these, it's up to you. As in, I think it's better for you (and ONLY you) to decide.
Wii has too bad graphics but classics that i love,like mario ^^,but I prefer my PS3 because of Little big Planet 1 and 2 and Metal Gear Solid 4,and I also think the PS3 is better because u don't have to pay just to play online and it doesnt break so ofter (not mine) ,soo,thats it,leave a comment on my page if u think I'm wrong and I'll talk to u,bye,going to play PS3 =3
Overall I'm going with Xbox 360. It's got the best line up of games and the best online play. A close second is the PS3 though. It has Blu-Ray and free online access. Plus it has Grand Turismo Last is the Wii. It's the little kid's system. Way to colorful, animated games for me