This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
All have their strengths, Xbox 360 - Online, and is geared towards hardcore gamers Playstation 3 - Media Center, Exclusive games Wii - Family & Friend fun, Arcade style games Since everyone has their own preference its hard to say whats the best overall, but the most versatile would be the Ps3 although ima 360 guy myself
Wii is for kids, and lacks good, original titles. They just produce terrible rehashes of games done 100000 times before, but people don't mind. I'm not going to ramble on about it that much, it's just too terrible. If you're looking for a real console, it just doesn't even qualify.
It's not for kids. It's geared for family and friend use which means that anyone can play this console. It does qualify.
I don't care about sales, don't mention anything about sales. Look at the latest CoD games, they blow, but they sell great.
Millions upon millions of people purchased the Wii. So sales do matter. And just because YOU don't like COD doesn't mean that others aren't going to like it.
Xbox 360. Terrible in comparison to the PS3. Mainly due to the lack of above average games. Most exclusives on Xbox aren't as great as reviewers and pathetic fanboys make them out to be.
Again, you're saying something to bash another console so that you can give the PS3 more praise. Obvious fanboy is obvious. Xbox has superb online gameplay, which makes that part better than the PS3.
Xbox feels like it was built for children. With epileptic colors and giant pictures being smeared all over the previously stated clunky UI.
You must have something wrong with your eyes then, the UI is fine.
Free online for PS3 is also a major advantage. Why would I pay 60 bucks a year (which adds up) to use Microsoft's ameteur online service?
You pay for excellent online gameplay.
I hate when people just read the opening sentence of walls o' text and then disregard the rest =(.
Read it. If you don't, you are a 12 year old diagnosed with ADD.
Now you're flaming and trolling on this thread because you feel neglected because people didn't read your fanboy post. Try not to do that. Read.
you like the wii it sucks
Hello there, fanboy. Provide some reasons why you don't like the Wii and why you think it's bad. Otherwise, don't post on the thread with these nonsense posts about how "wii sucks".
I don't want to go on another giant rant to prove my point when it flies over people's heads.
CoD is a terrible game. It runs on an 8 year old engine, it is a bad game. Just because people "like" it, it doesn't mean it's a good game.
The Wii doesn't qualify because it's nothing but a toy, it has motion controls FFS, I'm talking real video games here. 10000 rehashes as in all the Mario, Sonic.etc games btw.
The UI is bad when compared to PS3, but when you have no standards it's easy to say it's fine. It's slow and cluttered for no reason.
CoD is a terrible game. It runs on an 8 year old engine, it is a bad game. Just because people "like" it, it doesn't mean it's a good game.
To you it's terrible and to some other people, but to other people it is indeed a good game.
The Wii doesn't qualify because it's nothing but a toy, it has motion controls FFS, I'm talking real video games here. 10000 rehashes as in all the Mario, Sonic.etc games btw.
What classifies as a 'fake' video game? Wii has many more games than the ones that you named. And they are quite enjoyable. Just because you don't like it automatically means that the Wii isn't qualified.
The UI is bad when compared to PS3, but when you have no standards it's easy to say it's fine. It's slow and cluttered for no reason.
I have no problems with the UI. It's quite fast too. It's not cluttered either, I can navigate fine on it. PS3's UI is simple. It's like that of a PSP's.
You skipped the other half of my post, btw.
I'm not going to discuss about what games that YOU don't like on the Xbox. Basically, you bashed a few exclusives on the Xbox to make the PS3 look better. You also gave a lot of exclusives on the PS3 while you only gave about five on the Xbox which shows bias.
Th e X box has simple controls, fun games with top notch graphics, and game engines that apply physics that make the games relatively lifelike. I love it.
wii fails, ps3 and Xbox are pretty much the same just with some games only sold on one of consoles- Xbox has halo, Ps3 has the ratchet and clank series
Th e X box has simple controls, fun games with top notch graphics, and game engines that apply physics that make the games relatively lifelike.
You get the same with the PS3 and Wii as well. The only thing that's different on the two are that the PS3 graphics are slightly better and the Wii's graphics are lacking.
wii fails
Reasons behind this blasphemy?
ps3 and Xbox are pretty much the same just with some games only sold on one of consoles
The two consoles are quite different. PS3 pros: -better graphics -controllers that don't require batteries -free online gameplay -better disk tray -some better exclusive games -low failure rate
PS3 cons: -online is not as good as Xbox live -controller is smaller -smaller range of exclusive games -No backwards compatibility
Xbox pros: -Bigger controller -better online gaming -wider range of exclusive games -Backwards Compatibility
Xbox cons: -controllers require batteries -higher failure rate -have to pay for online -disk tray scratches the games
Keep in mind that some of these are facts and my own opinion. It's quite easy to tell the difference between the two. The thing about controllers is my opinion on them, I prefer the bigger controller.